Join the casts of Teen Wolf: The Movie and Wolf Pack as they celebrate their premieres, which are both now streaming on …


  1. Why does he always have some sort of ridiculous facial hair going? For such a good looking guy to constantly look like an unwashed homeless man (or in this case the nephew of the Cheetos guy) is just stupid 🤷‍♂️

  2. I’m just wondering how much of an affect did the absence of the character Styles have on the movie. I’m not going to be able to watch it any time soon. Just asking your opinion. That’s all

  3. I have some questions about the movie. If Allison can be brought back to life, can the same happen with Derek? Did he really have to die cuz I felt like it was unnecessary and I refuse to believe it happened. The last person Derek had dated on the show was Braeden and it was never mentioned, but who is Eli’s mom? Is Eli an orphan now? Stiles was mentioned a few times, but where was he? Also, was Lydia wearing a ring on her left hand, like maybe an engagement ring? Or was it just a normal ring? Is it weird that Melissa and Allison’s dad are dating, while Allison are Scott are dating too? Mason never mentioned him, but are he and Corey still together?


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