brganalysis #pastorchris #sinachgospelmusic #uebertangel The song way maker by sinach is unbiblical said uebert angel BUT …



  2. I'm sorry but we are no way maker. We are nothing without God . Everything begins with God . God is the way maker that's why we give glory for everything in our lives to him .

  3. I totally get you, that's why it is important to listen to you to the end. Yes, it's all about making God the center of it all. Powerful revelation right there. That's the perspective I got the first time i heard Pastor Chris and Uebert talk about it and I was like. Yeah, we are called to perform miracles but by whose power? We are not meant to take the glory but God is. Just like God could not speak until the Holy Spirit hovered upon the water. So yes I get and agree with your point.

  4. Hold up, nega! Hold up! Hold up!
    Who cares if God gets MY GLORY???
    2023 has started with another BANGER!
    Calm down (x2)
    Your body and mouth very soon
    Go be inside lockdown, oh lockdown!

  5. Ok than who is a right Pastor according to you Sir, who should we follow for crying out loud. You should remember that they human beings, bound to error just like you. Please tell us who we should follow, because all of them are bad according to you.

    Chai wait till there alter start fighting you. You will be on your own.

    It's not possible that all Pastor are wrong and you good.

  6. There is a song that says 'God will make a way where there seems to be no way. He works in ways we cannot see, he will make a way, he will make a way'. If you browse the internet, you will see Chris and Benny sing it

  7. Spinach ministered in a church that was led by a pastor who propagated false teaching so she and her song for me is tarnished. God tells us to stay away from false teachers and that includes their teaching and songs. Music is often used to lure people into false churches.

  8. As a human calling yourself way maker which way are you making to where? The Bible says clearly that Jesus christ is the way the truth and the life. And I stand on the word of God. Self proclaimed pastors confuse people of God

  9. Absolutely God can, and often does work through HIS vessels, that’s what make Him a way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper, light in the darkness. My beautiful clock gives me the time all day, but it’s empowered by 4 batteries. No battery, the clock is useless. Without God empowering us, we can do nothing on our own. ( John 15:5) All power belongs to Him, yet he has chosen to use mere human vessels. Jesus: “ Verily, verily I say unto you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what he see the FATHER do. Jesus recognizes that it’s God who empowers Him. How dare the pastor not give the credit to God. He is absolutely WRONG! Keep lifting up God Sinach. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 He is truly a light in the darkness, way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper. Hallelujah

  10. Get the names of MEN OF GOD out of your mouth. STOP talking about MEN GOD Almight has CALLED. Let him judge them. Its a warning to, find another means of making money and creating content and stop talking nonsense. Have a blessed day.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  11. even Moses, in His old age commits mistake. No one is excuse… please be careful what we say….. I believe the song is wonderful, full or revelation from God.
    Better to obey God than man…. still no one is perfect. It is absolutely Biblical… is the first level. even when we do miracle… it is still God the Holy Spirit doing it. Let us give it all the credit to God not to man… He is still the miracle worker…. at least have recpect to our spirit filled- artist.

  12. God is the waymaker. We are just vessels.
    All our humanity effort must testify of Christ who is at work in us.
    Its high time every one who calls themselves born again…. Drop the my man of God mentality and seek the living God and his christ personally. He will hear u and answer u without a prophet or pastor if u have a tight relationship with him. The Holyspirit is here to GUIDE u into ALL truth. To SHOW you things to come. God can directly…directly work in u, by u. And that's his wish btw. Issue is…many people get born again and are too lazy to seek God. He said seek him and u shall find him.

  13. There's nothing wrong with that song: This song is praising God. Praising God doesn't mean we neglect the fact that we are new creations with super powers. This tune was mainly specifically written for God almighty. It's a praise song simple.

    It is the spirit that does the work.
    “This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the LORD Almighty.
    Zechariah 4:6

    You can do nothing without God.
    “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.
    John 15:5

    God does the works
    the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works. Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake.
    John 14:10

    And God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul: So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases.
    Acts 19:11

  14. I cannot do anything without God; I don’t need to be a pastor to know a simple revelation of such. I can’t lift a finger without God, if I try to wake up without God; i will be dead. God is doing everything through me; He is the only way maker and miracle worker I know. I was not there when He spoke with Hagin; am certain He said do something and I will back you up; just like He told moses why are the children of Israelites crying unto me; stretch forth your rod. To even think that God will say He can’t do something is blasphemous; He won’t do it and can’t do it; are two different meaning. God can decide He won’t do something for a good reason; but not that He can’t. Are you kidding me? I think i missed the point also; my question should have been which God are they talking about? Oghenedo!

  15. May God have mercy on this generation. Can a Christian work a miracle without the spirit of God? So how can we be the miracle workers? Even Jesus said that without the father, he can do nothing. So I don't see us being the way make. Jesus said in John 14:6 that he is the way, the truth and the light.

  16. I don’t like bloggers but this very one thing you talk about the song way maker I totally agree with you Isaiah 43:13, 19 and so many scriptures verse have said it again and again God is way maker and we can only make a way when he is in us thanks bro

  17. "Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." Isaiah 43:19. Therefore is my Way Maker because God is in control and His promises are true. He will make a way.

  18. Nothing is wrong with the wordings of that song, when some men of God handle the microphone instead of being focus and allow the spirit of God to control them, they allow the flesh, puting someone down by their words, imagine how would Sinach feel about all this? May God have mercy on the body of Christ and give us the grace to be focus instead of following father in the Lord. Confusion everywhere, God have mercy.


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