I was shocked to hear what they said about Catholicism, Mormonism, and Islam. With Voddie Baucham, John MacArthur Dallas …


  1. Sometimes God uses non believers to work his will. There are lots of examples of that in the Bible. Also there are good evangelicals that are true Christians and bad evangelicals that are not. There are also bad Mormons and bad Catholics. God will sort the goats from His sheep. Let's keep praying for more sheep to join the fold… from all pastures. It is not whom we are or what we can do, it is Who He Is and what He has done. Accept His free gift of mercy because without that we all are lost.

  2. The greatest error of Protestantism is that they ignore the words and commands of God incarnate. Instead they make a God of their own mistaken beliefs. Idolatry indeed. Self worship.

  3. One of the large issues about ther difference between Catholics and Baptists, Methodists, Evangelicals is the concept of the Eucharist being the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus through consecration usually called transubstantiation. And that happens when the priest using correct form and matter to change the bread and wine into the consecrated Eucharist. although it still looks like bread and wine. Another issue that these religions have is the idea the only a priest can absolve sin and give the person absolution. The priest at his ordination recieves the ability to forgive the sin. an ordinary person vcon't forgive the sin because he is not ordained to extend that sacrement to the person. also a non-ordained person can not consecrate the Eucharist, marry or bury anyone, give the sacrement of confirmation or distribute thre Eucharist at communion that is why there are many people who have been trained as Eucharist Ministers should noit be handeling the consecrated Eucharist bu=ecause their hand were not consecrated when the were ordained to start with.

  4. The Word of God Almighty exposes them, that's why they seek their own way instead of Jesus Christ's way, which gives us the truth exposing their statements as false📖⏬
    Matthew 7:13-15
    [13]🌊“Enter by the narrow gate⬅️; ⏩for wide is the gate & broad is the way that leads to destruction, & there are many who go in by it⏪. [14]➡️Because narrow is the gate & difficult is the way which leads to life, & there are few who find it⬅️. You Will Know Them by Their Fruits [15]⏩“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves⏪.
    II Corinthians 11[4]⏩For if he who comes preaches ▶️another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted◀️—you may well put up with it⏪! Paul & False Apostles
    Jesus Christ Loves Us All, Hallelujah, Amen❣️🙌

  5. This video isn’t Christian at all, including the person that filmed and produced it. The Bible clearly states in John 17: 14-15 that believers of “Yeshua/Jesus” are no longer part of the world system. When a video like this one involves people like
    Kanye West or other celebrities, that should raise a red flag. God hates any Religion. God wants people to have an intimate, personal relationship with him. Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Another red flag is the pointing of fingers at other religions. We are to lovingly and gently bring others to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  6. The chosen helped a lot of people who didn't even know who Jesus is humanly father was find the Lord don't spread hate or distrust tell us to pray for these people, but the chosen is a good show. In my opinion. Love you guys.

  7. May God bless you richly. You are doing a great job in teaching the TRUE tenets of the gospel of Jesus Christ and exposing those who see it necessary to compromise the gospel.Many are compromising because they are men pleasers rather than God pleasers. Some are doing it because of filthy lucre. The Bible says 'what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul'. In life we learn the lesson of 'risk and reward'. What are you risking when you teach a false gospel? Your ETERNAL SOUL. What is the reward? Fame and money! Are fame and money worth your ETERNAL SOUL? I think not. For those of you who are compromising the gospel of Christ I implore you to REPENT NOW before it's too late. Blessings.

  8. Mat 7:21 KJV
    Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall Enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he that Doeth The WILL of my Father which is in Heaven. CROSS-REF Mat 25:11, Luk 6:46, Luk 13:25, Act 19:13, Rom 2:13, Jas 1:22, Luk 11:28

    Mat 7:22 KJV
    Many Will Say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, Have We Not Prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have Cast Out devils? and in thy name Done many Wonderful Works? CROSS-REF 1Co 13:2, Jer 14:14, Jer 27:15, Luk 13:26

    THOSE WHO PREACH UNDER SELFISHNESS, Greed, Works for Thyself, Followers, and Under Sinful ways Contempt and Violation of Law, INIQUITY, Wickedness, Prosperity, INSTEAD OF SELFLESSNESS, and under the Law know, you may hear I Don't Know you.
    Mat 7:23 KJV
    And then Will I Profess unto them, I NEVER Knew You: Depart from me, Ye that Work Iniquity. CROSS-REF Psa 6:8, Mat 25:12, Mat 25:41, Luk 13:25, Luk 13:27

    Mat 7:24 KJV
    Therefore whosoever Heareth these Sayings of Mine, and DOETH THEM, I Will liken him unto a Wise Man, which Built his House upon a Rock: CROSS-REF Jer 17:8, Luk 6:47, Rom 2:13, Jas 1:25

    FOLLOW THE LAW And Not just Hear the Law.
    Rom 2:13 KJV
    (For Not the Hearers of The LAW Are just before God, BUT the Doers of The Law shall Be Justified. CROSS-REF Mat 7:21, Jas 1:22, 1Jo 3:7, Mat 7:24, Luk 6:46, Luk 11:28

    His Commandments are Fulfilled through Love
    Luk 11:28 KJV
    But he said, Yea rather, Blessed Are They that Hear the Word of God, and Keep It. CROSS-REF Mat 7:2, Jo 6:29, Rom 2:13, Pro 8:28, Pro 19:16, Jas 1:22, Luk 1:45

    Those who Preach the Word only and does not follow will hear I don't know you.
    Jas 1:22 KJV
    But be ye Doers of the Word, and Not Hearers Only, Deceiving Your Own Selves.

    Mat 7:25 KJV
    And the Rain Descended, and the Floods Came, and the Winds Blew, and beat upon that house; and it FELL NOT: for it Was Founded Upon A Rock.

    AMEN the Lord of Lord's and King of Kings is righteous in his Ways. And is the Redeemer and Kinsmen of the Earth. He comes soon for his children. As evil will destroy the Wicked Psa 34:21. And the furnace of affliction will purify, Isa 48:10, 1Co 3:13, 1Pe 1:7 the Trial of your Faith is more Precious than Gold. 🙏🕊

  9. Unfortunately they were not in the we're not and I repeat there were not enough examples of comparing the different types of Believers and their Doctrine and what they actually believe and what the gospel actually says so in order to clarify it you need to have a theologian to understand the Hebrew Aramaic and the other translations that make perfect sense which are non-negotiable so you use state that these people have different ways of believing that Jesus is the Christ and the savior of the world but their doctrines differ so what is it that they differ about you did not go into enough explanation and give examples of what some of these other faiths believe and what is non-negotiable you have to explain it better

  10. Everyone has a criticism. Stop it and teach or preach the truth Gospel. Who ever has ear will hear and turn to the Living Saviour. Stop this nonsense and tell the people that Yeshua, Jesus is LORD of all.

  11. i would say there's more to the gospel than "loving" Jesus. if we love Jesus, we love the Father, and know him, and are therefore saved.

    the kicker is in the definition of that pesky word, but we failed that test with homosexual mirage

  12. If those who speak about the name of the Lord were motivated by the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit there would never be any compromise or false teaching. There are just too many preachers who are preaching a different gospel knowingly or out of total ignorance.

  13. All these are earthly religions, and their kingdoms are earthly kingdoms. Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest from the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place". John 18:36. They live in such a way as salvation by works not salvation by faith.

  14. I'm glad to have been able to see this video and ones like it for the last 3 years. I had deep concerns about Rick Warren and others. Yet didn't know what to say or if other's saw the same things. I was attending a seeker sensitive motivational Ted talk style church. Very good communicator yet lacked Bible preaching. Rick Warren was broadcast on a Sunday morning during our pastors absence….. I am deeply saddened about the loss of my first marriage due to many things. One big one was while attending this lost church I wanted to leave and go somewhere Biblical.. I went alone then lost my family. Lots of details aren't in this yet I want to warn men to leave these places called churches. They don't care about you or you family.

  15. 1 John 4:2 KJV
    "Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God"

    1 John 4:15, KJV "
    "If anyone confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God.

    You may not like what other pastors or christian leaders are saying but the scriptures are very clear; if they confess that jesus came in the flesh and believe and confess jesus to be the son of God…THEY ARE OF God; God's spirit dwells within them! Whether they label themselves Baptist christian, mormon christian, protestant, catholic, etc. Do these Christian sects not claim this??

    The scriptures are VERY CLEAR. You did not write the Bible. Yes it may be difficult to accept, but it says what it says. You either accept what it says or choose another religion. Just because you chose to be a "protestant" or "baptist" etc. that doesn't make it better than the others just because you chose it. There are over 3,000 different Christian sects!! Why are they deemed Christian?? Because they believe and confess that jesus is the "son of God" and died for their sins (in the flesh!).

  16. Thank you for this video! My WHOLE family is Catholic ( except me) and like you said at the end they think they are already saved.. I know the truth and they refuse to listen and sometimes get offended or angry when I try and share truth with them… 😢

  17. If Jesus is not God then He can’t die for our sins. A debt can only be forgiven by the one who the debt is owed to.

    Edit: Warren should listen to MacArthur on Catholicism. It would open his eyes.

  18. Voddie all we Catholics mean by that Quote is "faith without works is dead" that's all!!!!
    I know what you're trying to do but if I have to lean one way or the other I would like to lean on kindness . These podcasts are good but you're getting kind of legalistic. Afterall protestantism has 3,000 denominations that argue that they're all right.

  19. All Christians were one faith at the council of Trent. Catholic. The council formalized christian tradition.
    Martin Luther did not believe man could grow in holiness because of grace so he is the one started a heresy. Read your Bible … really read it because it says “ Faith without works is dead”. The Bible has to be taken as a whole. And without tradition and the Catholic Church there wouldn’t be a Bible. Ever research where the Bible came from? Go do your research

  20. I wish you would do more research into Catholicism before you assume our differences. Would recommend bishop Barron word on fire podcast for a better understanding of the saints ,doctrine and theology. All that aside great video and keep spreading the gospel!!

  21. I would say we all need to get back to the original teachings that Jesus (Yeshua) taught and follow HIS way keeping all 10 Commandments including KEEPING the SABBATH HOLY!! Jesus made a point to break as many “religious laws or man made laws mingled with God’s laws which is religion in a nutshell!!the apostles were all Jews and taught to follow Torah and not Pharisee religion , or any other religion!! 15:35

  22. We are justified by faith, but not sanctified by faith. We are sanctified by the Law. If you were told the Law was nailed to the cross, Paul says in Col. 2 'that handwriting of ordinances (DOGMA in the Greek) … was nailed to the cross' and everything in that chapter supports Old Testament practices including diet and calendar. The Messiah said "I have not come to destroy the Torah, but to uphold. Until Heaven and Earth shall pass, not one jot nor one tittle of the Torah shall pass." He IS that Prophet Moses spoke of whom we must hear and obey. "Go, and Sin No More" is what he always told those whom he healed.

  23. I have a preacher friend that works for ups and has 5 kids who recently put music on his channel, only 3 songs currently. I think they're pretty good. Channel: Micheal heuerman
    I really just want and feel the need to try and help him with getting his music out there.

  24. It would be wise for you to ‘do the research’ before you ‘bash’ other religions. You have no idea of what you are talking about. Be cautious about promoting false ideologies, for God will not be mocked, and in the final analysis, He will be our judge. He has given us the way to know truth. Seek (sincerely) through prayer and faith and humility and you will find it. Keep looking…with ‘an eye single to the Glory of God’.

  25. Show me a scripture where Jesus Christ or one of his disciples called themselves a christian or that The Word of God is called christianity or that following Christ JESUS is christianity… Go ahead, I'll wait… It's a complete mockery of Christ JESUS The Word of God The Father it's a false religion that doesn't come from The Gift of The Holy Spirit of God The Father Jesus Christ 💯 in scripture christian was used to mock the disciples of Christ JESUS just as it is today!!! All for the love of money and fame… It's the head of the serpent… It's no secret to a Child of God full of The Gift of The Holy Spirit Jesus Christ, Amen… All glory be to our Heavenly Father God Jesus Christ The Holy Spirit, Amen… Blessings to All in Christ JESUS, Amen…


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