This is about a believer that underestimates another person’s salvation. A woman didn’t believe in his son’s salvation and rub his …


  1. You see as parents we tend to behave as if we are wiser and more powerful than our children,we want to advice them but they can't and that is so wrong,then we go to God praying for them to change,but how can they change when our light as gone dim before them,Lord help us as parents, especially christian parents.

  2. Also I a so tired of christians who keep on repeating pastor said,what about what God says,what about the word of God,does the Bible belong to Pastor alone no disrespect but when are we as christians going to have a relationship with God so he can give us the wisdom that we need to serve him

  3. Mum is too abrasive. Sorryooooo Even with son.s history, there is a way to handle our lost children. Prayer, fasting, and total supplication to the lord and less all this nagging. She disregarded any valid statements even when he was not even rude. A lesson for all. The word says “ in my loving kindness have I drawn you.” Jeremiah 31:2…Mum lighten up with the harsh talking. God has forgiven ur son. Like He’s forgiven you.

  4. What kin of mother is this, always using abusive words on her son and even wen praying for him to change, how can God answer such prayers.
    Doesn’t even take advice from her son and always think she is right, I felt so sorry for the son.
    That’s why most Christian children go wayward, because their parents are not their friend mercy


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