You are watching RCCG MARCH 2020 SPECIAL THANKSGIVING SERVICE – LET THERE BE LIGHT 3 Live from the Redemption …


  1. Last night, I was praying, "Let there be light" and then I saw a brilliant white light appear.
    It was not in my room, but at the street corner.
    That corner can be seen from all of the windows at the front of my home.
    My bedroom is at the back of the house.
    That corner is three-pronged.
    The light, too, was three-pronged, casting its brilliance in every direction of the neighbourhood!

    On Friday, I had called the water company because there was no water on the line, I had a lot of washing to do, etc. and I was promised urgent attention.
    As I sat amazed at the white light, I heard water dripping in the bathroom.
    The service had been restored!
    I got out of bed and started doing laundry immediately.
    It was 1.30 a.m!

    The light!
    He came!

    Thank you, Father!
    You heard and you answered.

    The first instruction is –
    "Thank God Almighty to be alive when He is answering prayers!"
    March 2020 Holy Ghost Service!


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