In this heroic odyssey, thirteen-year-old Dicey Tillerman struggles to keep her family together after she and and her siblings, …


  1. God I want someone just like the man who is feeding these children in this movie God when I get out of my situation may I please help someone else who is in need nothing in the world will give me greater joy

  2. It makes me sad how bitter the grandmother is how much pain it takes to get there I like her some days I feel just as bitter as that grandmother I don't understand the grandmother when she has all the space to take these kids right off the bat

  3. Oh I will never forget the feelings and I felt as a child when my mom would get put away in the hospital there is really not a more lonely feeling in the world to be a child and have your mother taken away from you I hate when they do it to Damien the government I don't know but I'm wondering if I shouldn't do the same and leave my family cuz I I don't have the answers anymore and I don't know how I'm going to take care and there's nobody else to do it and I love him so much and I am not talking about Damion I am feeling pretty bitter towards my parents for making all of my decisions for me and then telling me just to fix everything on my own I don't know that I wouldn't have ended up in a worst situation I don't ever want to see another human being with a black hoodie on slitting their throat mouthing the words they promise me in this life again I want every single human being to leave me alone and whoever is in charge I want you to make sure they do it the next time I see it I am going to face these people I'm not going to just sit there and look at them this may not be my world but I was born into it and I will not be bullied in this way not by you the government or any other person you want me dead that's psychotic I am at my wit's end I'm a human being not a God damn criminal and it is no joke and I don't want the radio talking about me ever again you don't narrate such wickedness there is no one trying to help me I don't even want to participate not even in my own life somebody needs to make this right this is not right can you please tell me how this is for the betterment of all mankind cuz I just don't see it I cannot see it and if I have to leave because of it I deserve to know how could we have ever shed laughter here together there is absolutely nothing funny about it no one kept me and my child safe it's not humane I can't figure a way out not a way out of any of it especially when so many times as a child I had to do the adults work in this life when they were the ones that should have been there for their own mother and they are the ones that are respected in this world this is not my world what are we going to do about it I don't have the answer all of these selfish human beings that I have been surrounded by in my life how I have always been a giver in so many ways this grandmother reminds me of my own mom I don't think she knows how to take up for herself in her own marriage I don't think that she is really allowed to

  4. Once in a while one may be lucky to view an extremely well done and enjoyably likeable film about ordinary people discovering family. This phenomenon only happens to the fortunate and the lucky. Maybe God, the Creator will Bless them with this discovery. This Movie in my opinion is one that has captured such a Story. Watch and Enjoy. Thanks.

  5. During my Christmas movie binge watching THIS was my very favorite. Not technically a Christmas movie, but a heart-warming story with exceptional acting not only by Anne Bancroft (loved her!) but by some amazing children. The young girl playing Dicey Tillerman was outstanding.


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