Good day, Welcome to Emeka Anslem’s YouTube Channel. Emeka Anslem is an inspirational teacher saddled with the …


  1. If this message has anything to do with Jesus Christ then, the Believer is not going to anywhere. Why? Because the Believer has already arrived. This is why we call it a rest. Once you are in CHRIST JESUS you have arrived, no more destination is set before you. Jesus is the destination God has been taken His people to. Once you are in CHRIST you have arrived the journey with God. The other side of this Gospel is that it has nothing connected with Jesus. It's just a hype to be inquisitive in your material pursuit, that's why you need all that energy he's been talking about. Listen very well, he's not talking about how the Believer that enrich his Faith in Christ and the spiritual life but how you can achieve the best life you desire on the earth. That's motivation. The Gospel is not a motivational speech that requires that kind of energy but a simple truth yet offensive to the Unbeliever per say.

  2. Don't get me wrong. But I wonder why in a concert like this, people of God can't teach Christ? Are we not supposed to teach believes about all that is in Christ Jesus? Now let me ask you, "What has any of these Pastors taught you about the Person of Jesus Christ who is supposed to be the core message of the Church?" I can bet you that nothing significant about the Lord Jesus Christ was taught in that gathering called "Covenant Highway" but all they learnt was how to get wealth and do better for themselves. If you must understand, the Believer has no covenant with God and can never have. If he could, then Jesus Christ is of no use. If God can enter into any kind of covenant with you and I, then He should trust enough to do something for our Salvation. God is only pleased with us because of the Lord Christ Jesus, so teach Christ to the people of Christ so they'll know Him in and out and grow in His knowledge.

  3. I heard of the 2 sons that he was the one who actually got called by GOD into Ministry. Took him a while, but when God calls you … there is always that defining touch of greatness 🙌🏻🙌🏻

  4. When he said "If what you have can't buy what you need, it becomes a seed" I stopped listening to the message. That is why many Africans are poor and they keep enriching their pastors. That's manipulative!!!Some of you that will attack me know I'm saying the truth. God is not a money changer. God is not a transactionary God.


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