Nancy(Sonia Uche) is a loving care giver to an old woman, but her once loving husband, suddenly became her worst nightmare …


  1. When will people understand that dating is different from marriage until you have actually stayed or committed to the person,you will never know their true nature.
    Blossom always the wife beater/the abuser😂. Honestly I had to fast forward from the beatings because it felt so real. But he’s actually a great actor especially with these kind of roles😜😂

  2. Sonia Uche – if this is your first movie as a producer then you certainly have moved your career to a new level, this movie was exceptional and you, Uchenna and the director left no detail untouched-even the suitcases seemed heavy, typically the woman moves out with only a carry-on that appears as light as a feather😂😂

    In addition, the physical beating was particularly hard to watch, it looked as real as any beating could be, which means the emotion the producers and director intended to evoke from your viewers was achieved; kudos to the entire team because grandma and every one did their job very well!

    Stan Nze – you have done a lot of good movies but at this juncture I think this is your very best; again, the entire cast and crew were exceptional!!

    Nigeria big up uself, can’t wait for what you have planned for your local and international viewers in 2023!!

  3. This man called U henna Mbunabo is super hero Al his movies is marvelous perfect he need award., Hummmm, while is the tht whn u are on relationship always sweet and romantic but immediately u married it becomes something else, is either the man change or the woman, Hummmm marriage is 50-50, May God 🙏 help us.

  4. When Stan entered the kitchen and said the plantain is burnt, they touched the hot fry pan still on the fire (gas cooker) but both of them don't show the sign in that scene. I don't know if anyone notices that too


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