Are we failing to raise confident kids? For the last five years, SHE Media has been developing The Confidence Project. When we …


  1. Accountability lesson is missing.
    Taking responsibility for your great & poor decisions would be nice to see in today’s youth.
    Social media is only to be used sparingly & responsibly.

  2. A poem I wrote-
    I miss when I was younger
    Filled with glee
    I roamed around not caring about a thing
    I had no guilt, no regrets
    Just joy no shame
    I had big dreams
    I was filled with love
    The world felt like my fairy tale
    Now I’m older
    Without glee
    I care about every little thing
    I have millions of regrets
    Guilt on my shoulder
    My joy has faded I have shame on my body
    I may seem happy but I’m not
    If you look deep down you’ll see I’m depressed
    Every day I put on a fake smile
    Sometimes I wonder why am I here
    What is my purpose I’m just a nobody
    It take all my strength not to end it all
    I rather see those pearly gates
    And HIM on his throne
    Running freely on those fluffy clouds
    No sadness
    No guilt
    There would be no shame
    Just love
    Just joy
    Just to feel like a little kid again
    Is what I want

  3. I fucking don’t really care about my appearance maybe cause I have very tough skin and have survived the old cod days of black ops 1&2 and modern warfare 1,2,&3,world at war,halo 2&3,etc

  4. Impressed with the bravery and openness of the young ladies shown in the video. Incredible! I watched this video because I'm a father of a 12 year old daughter that is having self image challenges. Thank you all for sharing.

  5. I have three girls, and my oldest just turned fourteen. I think it’s hard for her to talk to me since her mother and I separated. This gives me a lot of insight that we’ve lost over the years. Thank you.


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