Learn more about Why the Nativity on the official website – http://www.whythenativity.org/movie Message Description: Every year, …


  1. Beautifully done!!! What a great production. It gives me that feeling as if I was literally there witnessing all this happening. So grateful that the Light of this World shines brightly in our hearts. Jesus made a difference in my life and pray that he will continue to do the same for many. I'm grateful for Dr. Jeremiah, he peaches directly from the Bible and I thank the Lord for using him in such a profound manner. God Bless!

  2. Thankyou Dr. Jeremiah. That precious little boy that played Jesus at 3 years of age. That scene melted my heart. The end with the white horse next to Jesus brought tears. So Amazing and so excited for Eternity! To God Be The Glory!!

  3. Superbly done in every aspect. It's so refreshing to see such a biblically accurate portrayal of the Nativity. I agree with others that the ending with Jesus and the white horse was perfect!

  4. Oh what a beautiful presentation. What a wonderful reminder to everyone that this is a time to not only celebrate his birth but to turn to him and draw nearer. We may not have another chance. Thank you Jesus for loving us and forgiving all who come to you, repent and make Jesus your priority. Merry Christmas all, God bless.

  5. What a wonderful production that was worthy of watching twice! Dr. David Jeremiah gave an awesome insight of the birth of Christ that was truly inspiring! I have shared the link to my family and friends and told the members of my weekly prophecy class of this remarkable account of the miraculous birth of Christ. God Bless Dr. Jeremiah and the Turning Point ministry.

  6. God bless you and team abundantly Dr. Jeremiah! We are the reason He was born to die as our Blessed Savior! Excellent powerful authentic realistc production!!! So glad to see the entourage of the kings, and Scriptural timing of their visit!! May many souls be saved, and many more believers blessed as we are, by this production 🙏👏😀

  7. I mean, what a great Biblical truth of the reason for Christmas! Christ came to redeem the world to Himself in human form, yet He was not contaminated. Calling people till today to come to His knowledge, repent and believe, to be able to share in the joy of His first coming as a Saviour, to qualify for His second coming as King!

  8. So beautiful and peaceful. The right questions were asked. So much to pray about and dream that we are all part of God's family. All we have to do is reach out our hand tell Jesus I am your's. Forgive me I am your's. You are LOVE for all. I love you Lord Jesus.


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