Alexander Pagani grew up embracing the gang lifestyle and rejecting any authority but his own, until he had a personal encounter …


  1. Nothing is impossible?? My father lost a leg when he was a young boy. Why is God always looking away from these people who ask for a new arm or leg etc.? As soon as he starts growing a new arm/leg or finger, i will be convinced. But untill then, its all b*llshit.

  2. Dont ask anyone one to pray for your needs,im not saying its bad but there as to be no one in between you and and heavenly father,just pray with your heart open he will definitely hear you.

  3. I grew up with an over controlling father who made me think things were impossible for me because I'm a short man and I believed him. I'm currently struggling with depression,I have no confidence, no self esteem, no self worth and no self love. God I need more than ever to come into my heart! Forgive me of my sins and trespassers I accept you as my Lord and savior!

  4. Having big trouble believing God is good. I was poisoned by pysch meds, extreme suffering coming off which took two years, still have issues on the left side of my body. Lost my job, marriage, ability to see my child. I was asking the lord to help me because I couldn't cope with the toremnet and was growing suicidal. He didn't help, in fact it got worse and i tried to end my life. Now I'm permanently screwed up, I'll be homeless in two months if God doesn't act and heal me. Is he really a good father? I feel abandoned and rejected by the lord. I feel just like Job.


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