Christ For All Nations | new.cfan.org
Ev. Daniel Kolenda is a modern missionary evangelist who has led more than 17-million people to Christ face-to face through massive open-air evangelistic campaigns in some of the most dangerous, difficult and remote locations on earth. As the successor to world renowned Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke, Daniel is the president and CEO of Christ for All Nations; a ministry which has conducted some of the largest evangelistic events in history, has published over 190 million books in 104 languages and has offices in 10 nations around the world. He also hosts an internationally syndicated television program.

Originally posted 2020-12-30 15:09:58. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


  1. God is using young energetic vibrant evangelists to spread the Gospel of Christ coz the old ones are either stagnant or departing to Heaven. Training and implementation

    • Father YAHweh thank You for letting me see the adversary from the garden is old sneaky the father of lies As a faithful Ambassador for Father YAHweh’s Resurrected Son YAHwehShua will never set foot on this earth again 2. Writing in about 110 AD, Josephus recorded, in great detail, Jewish history, 1st century Judaism, the ministry of YAHshua.

      3. In a book called, “Wars of the Jews”, Josephus describes the destruction of Jerusalem as YAHshua prophesied in Matthew 24.

      4. Initially most people who believe in the Rapture have such a poor knowledge of the bible, the first time they learn this historical fact, is when they read it here on our Rapture Refuted website! At first they suffer from denial. Then they are confused when they are unable to deny this historical record. Finally they invent the double prophecy argument, namely that Mt 24 prophesies 70 AD and the second coming. This of course is pure fantasy because none of the signs of Matthew 24 are of the second coming.The Rapture was over in 66 A.D.

  2. Lord prepare to take this gospel to the lost souls in these last days.make me a voice crying in this world.help me Lord to obey now not to miss an opportunity to win them for you please pray for me .I do minister on the street in Canada.pray for us

    • Paster you talk abou Africa Durban is a part of Africa i dont here u mecion Durban nor Paster Rainhard eather talk about Durbun.please come this side we need some 1 like u here.Sorry that RainHard B.is gane to be with the Lord.I love u all God bless u for ever

    • Please pray for me.I am in a weel chair i to want to walk again.I listen to u & Rainhard all the time hoping to reciven a mericl.please pray f me.& my famaley.Thank you Paster God bless u always 8n Jesus name

  3. Thank you Lord thank you Jesus thank you Holy Spirit
    Blood of jesus
    God bless you
    Lord fire jesus fire Holy Spirit Fire
    Blood of jesus


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