62-1230E IS.THIS.THE.SIGN.OF.THE.END.SIR_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN I said, “I see a person shadowed to death,” black shadow …


  1. I had a massive stroke on Feb 1,2018 ….and the Doctors tried 2 times two times to help me I could only shake me head no…I was trying to speak and tell them I was waiting on Jesus.I woke up the next next morning I was paralyzed on my right side on Friday.I prayed to Jesus that Friday and asked him to give me a little crumb off the masters table and I told him if the Angel that was with Brother Branham was there with me then I know he would heal me.The next day that Saturday morning I woke up and I could move everything.I had double vision and I was weak and dizzy…..That next Monday the neurologist walked in and said did not expect to see me alive.I have recovered 97% and still waiting for my complete healing. PRAISE the LORD !!! Amen.The pillar of fire came down in that room and just stayed right in front of my wife me and a Nurse and I asked them did they see what I was seeing and they both said yes but the nurse said it must have been a piece of dust.

  2. Thank You Christ Jesus for the Holy Spirt, For in & by your truth you have shown us how to receive and how by Him all these miracles are being wrought and accomplished! Bless you Holy Spirit. Thank You Abba Father for all mercy, goodness and spiritual blessings from your kingdom


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