In a classic research-based TEDx Talk, Dr. Lara Boyd describes how neuroplasticity gives you the power to shape the brain you …


  1. The explanation of how the chemical changes then create physical changes after long term influence is EXACTLY why opiates are destroying humans. It’s not about addiction. After about 1 year of consistent use (easily done if you’ve suffered a severe injury), your brain will NEVER go back to the way it was. Even after THREE DAYS your brain becomes addicted. That addiction then feeds and feeds them before you know it, you’re chemically, physically, emotionally, mentally, and psychologically DEPENDENT on opiates to the point that your body literally goes into chaos (severe withdrawals) when you stop taking them. The worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life was when in lost my health insurance and I stopped cold turkey and I ended up in the ER puking, screaming that my spine was eating rthrough my flesh, screaming my nerves were being plucked like a guitar, screaming that my teeth needed to be pulled to stop the pain. My body swelled like a balloon and I couldn’t stop vomiting. I had gained 22 pounds in mere hours because of the swelling. All because my brain no longer was creating its natural pain killer and my pain receptors were SCREAMING for relief. I was on pain pills for 4 years under the care of my doctors and stopping cold turkey almost killed me. All cuz of my amazing brain! Thankfully they put me into the methadone program so I could function.

  2. As a medium that works with clients to communicate with their departed loved ones, I can appreciate Dr Boyd's discussion on neuroplasticity. During a mediumship reading, mediums attune their brain to the loved one's vibration. Mediums us the brain is an instrument to interpret the data that comes through from the Spirit world. The goal is to be flexible—mediums have no control over what or how the information comes through! So the effort is in interpreting the data and presenting it in a way that makes sense to the client. This kind of work takes effort! I believe that in every reading I give, I am learning to use my brain in a different way! I am grateful for this video.

  3. Nothing practical here. Personalized education has been around forever. Saying that everyone learns different is factually wrong. What really happens is that animals (humans) learn "how to learn". The methods you had success with reinforce. So, you could learn in different ways effectively, but you don't because of your enviornmental conditioning. You simply believe that you can only learn best with method X, because its all you know. Mostly platitudes here. Too bad. "Build the brain you want"…hmm, ok got it!?

  4. I suffered a TBI 2013, this is exactly what I've felt or tried tell my therapist for so long. I've gotten so much better from where I initially started . I'm in no way trying to disrespect the people that were recovering alongside of myself but I could see eventually there were people ahead of me and others I was more advanced than. I would on a daily basis fight with recovery while combating anger because I felt held back. What Lara explained about each person needing an individual way of help from a dr or therapist is so true. I agreed with everything she said. I've felt the good and bad personally from the prospective of doing the work to get better. Some days I could care less then on others after giving myself a talking to, I would get back in there and go at it again . I'm now attending community College to e eventually be a mental health therapist. This all coming from a person that was run over, 6 month coma , 6 strokes , internal injuries along with whatever life continues to throw at you. The clock doesn't stop just because I was injured.
    Thank you very much . Finally someone hit it on the head. Figuratively speaking. Lol

  5. The way she talks, carries herself, it screams confidence and everything about her speech was so articulate and also I'm just looking at her biceps- I'm tryna be like herrrr


  7. I’m 48years old living in California.I’m hoping to retire at 50 if things keep going well for me. Bought my first house last month and I can’t be more proud that I’m now. I’m glad made a great decision about my finances that change me forever

  8. We were so fixated on 'brain damage'. Neuroplasticity should be called Neuroillumination. Once all races think together we're going to go back to the Garden of Eden. Illuminate your brain through the emotions that God moved you to feel.

  9. -Practice power is powerful

    And for those who have the idea that “practice makes perfect” that’s very wrong

    Bcs the real reason for practice is to make improvements, and practicing to make ur self perfect will only keep u where u at!

  10. Great talk. Meditation has a huge impact on the brain, especially on human psychology, emotional management ( equanimity, calm ) dimension as well as a sense of oneness with humanity…. I say this from experience and what I,be seen is much more experienced Reiki masters, not to mention the well known spiritual teachers . So much that I consider it mind science and not exactly spirituality…..I hope every one on the planet can tap into the tremendous potential of mindfulness – observation, awareness, deep listening and full attention (with others) and silence / space ( in solitude) ….

  11. करत-करत अभ्यास के, जड़मति होत सुजान।
    रसरी आवत जात तें, सिल पर परत निसान।।

    यही सिखा रहीं हैं।।।
    From India…


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