brganalysis #pastorkumuyi #archbishopbensonidahosa Pastor Kumuyi turns back on certain church doctrines as a through back …


  1. It is not everything we have to do get things done as a believer that is written in the bible. God did not create us to be a zombie or robot. He gave us senses and ability to be able to initiate any idea or rule for getting things done. When moses was judging Israel, Jethro his father in-law corrected him on something's because God did not give the administrative law when he was given him the law and he believe He should be able to handle administrative matters see Exodus 18:15-25. God only created all the animals, but He did not give anyone of them name. Adam named them all because God knew He has given him ability to be able to do some things. You as a media person, if you have a staff wouldn't you set the time they will resume duty and the time they will close and their conduct at work. And if you feel that time is not okay since you are the head of the organisation you can change it and anyone that still wants to belong to that organisation must comply.
    In the book of Act of Apostle when some group were complaining that their widows have been neglected by the church, the Apostles selected seven men to take up that responsibilities among them was Stephen that was stoned to death. This is to show to you that Church can put in place any institution they think will help them to achieve their goals, including marriage committee and doctrine of don't watch TV. So stop judging people that are doing administration the way they think things will work for them
    Judge no man, so that you will not be judge. Mathew 7:1. You are the head of your own family, apart from obeying the word of God, God is also expecting you to set policies and law for getting things done. All that are not supposed to be written in the Bible. Take the lead prayerfully and God will help and bless whatever decision you make for your home or business or church etc.
    You said Adeboye said anybody that is not paying tithe will go to hell. If you believe the Bible see Malachi 3:9-11 below and tell me if you will still give inheritance or admit into your kingdom, to any of your children that disobeyed you up to the point of cursing them.
    9 Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation.

    10 Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.

    11 And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith theLord of hosts.

    Let us think carefully before we condemn whatever anybody said.

  2. I am not against anything those ministers did before and I am not against what they are changing to now. Those things may have helped before, but when they see it is no longer helping and they change them. Nobody should criticize them unnecessarily. Don't forget as long as we are human being we can make a mistake.

  3. BRG see there is nothing any man is expected to establish other than that which has been established. I know you listen to Dr Abel Damina and Understands him suite well. Kumuyi on his covering of head dictrine has not told us why he used #cor. 11 to back up what he now revoke? The Church is built on the Apostles Doctrine, Jesus Christ being the cornerstone so anything you form no matter how glorious, shall to the extent of it's glory stand null and void if it not found with the Apostles. The role of Pastors is to teach us the doctrine of Christ and not to use the name of Jesus Christ to institute their own Doctrine. Neverrr! There is no man that has the doctrine that can make any man holy. Not Kumuyi. And any man anywhere in the whole world. The best a man's Doctrine will bring is self condemnation, fear, guilt, and sin consciousness. You can understand why deeper Life is so conscious of sin… The Gospel is on point and doesn't need our help to make it work. We are not save by what we do but by what Jesus freely did for the whole world…

  4. Salvation by grace and holy living is the condition for heaven. Our salvation is by grace and not by works. Tithing, evangelism etc is not a condition for heaven. It has benefits if practiced and consequences if neglected but definitely not heaven. Jesus never said if you don't pay tithe you're going to hell. Let's not over raise bars just to threaten people. Let's put the Word of God as it is in the Scriptures.
    If you pay your tithe, you receive your blessings for giving to God just as you're blessed when you give other church contributions and when you give to the poor. When you don't give you block your own blessings and rob God (by this it means you limit provisions in God's house). So give Him what he requests of you. But do God come down to eat our tithes? NO. But the tithe is used to support missionary work and spreading of the gospel and also to help the poor in the church. And remember God says when you give to that person in need, then you've given to God.
    So many persons without knowledge are very diligent in tithing but turn blind to the need of their poor neighbour. Such is mere religious zeal without transformation of life. Because if your heart is transformed and you love God the way you claim you do then you will have bowels of mercy for the needy man around you.

  5. Their's were human doctrines that turn from the truth of the Word of God which is equal to the doctrines of the devil and is dysfunctional to the well-being of the Church of God. They should not be enforced in the Church of God at all.

  6. i get your point, but in as much as it doesn't sit well with some people it's a culture they've come to adopt. it was a sign of respect to them. the Elton came bear to Nigeria without any titles and the only way they deemed fit to put respect was to call them Pa /Ma. It just like saying you don't want to call a sibling doctor while in a hospital. See Nigeria is a country still finding itself and easily adopt any thing or should i say most things

  7. My man, this your calling is the type that may send one to hell fire. The calling of analysing churches and berating/criticizing men/women of God. Who are really benefiting from your work? Believers in Christ or unbelievers? Do you know what Deeper Life could have become by today if those rules/dogma/principles etc were not in place. Marriage committee has actually helped to avert/avoid numerous marital calamity in Deeper Life, but Kumuyi was just trying to correcting their extremes. Mind you, Kumuyi statement that he will change his establishments is conditional – if it is no more causing the church to progress or be holy. Abstinence from having and watching TV, though quite helped the members in maintaining a high level of concentration then, may not not be helpful in the progress of the church in this digital world, and that is why the church is loosing her guard on it. I wonder why you people are always surfing the internet looking for what men of God say so you can analyse it. Na waaoh! You guys should repent and ask God to guide you in an eternal profitable venture for the kingdom.. I doubt if what you guys are doing is heavenly. Thanks.

  8. People misinterpreted Pastor Kumuyi message, all he said is I will remove anything that church leaders are trying to use to lure people back to the world. He chose to mentain holiness and righteousness living in church

  9. On the issues on television pastor Kumuyi emphasis on but people don't seems to understand
    Satan uses the television to gain access into the mind of people other than expansion of the gospels.
    Example, if there are 50 channels available for spreading the gospel and 40 channels for seculars activities, 90 out of 100 will will watch the 40channels meant for the devil than the gospel channel.

    So till tomorrow, the corruption in the world were introduced through tv

  10. Bro I hope you know what you're doing?
    If you are of God do what the bible says by leaving it "if it be of God it will stand"
    But I tell you with the support of other people if it turns out you are wrong, then, wait for the wrath of Jesus
    Follow God for your self and be warned❗❗😢

  11. With the benefit of hindsight, it's obvious he was excommunicated by his former church for propagating heresies & falsehoods.
    Kumuyi and most Nigerian pastors lack scriptural understanding of the word of God. Hence they resort to self help by misleading their congregations with human ideas deceptively packaged as the word of God.
    Unfortunately millions of their gullible followers, over the years, may have gone to their graves without getting to know God.

  12. The issue of TV today still stands. TV is still full of evil things except for the Christian channels. And if not Christian channels forget it. I have it but when last did l open it. I go to utube to listen to messages by dear.

  13. I'm a deeper life brought up buh I didn't quite get or agree in all their doctrine buh I always love my pastor he is not ashamed to correct his errors
    At the end of the day we are all learning

  14. Holiness is God-wholly-owned-ness. Holiness is not outward behaviour, that is but the by-product.
    Holiness is ownership by the Father. Holiness is obedience without question. Vessels set apart for the Master's use.
    Worldliness and holiness both have to do with ownership and obedience. To whom you belong and whom you obey- the god of this world, the Prince of the power of the air or the Father of glory, the Creator of things visible and invisible, the only true God. The Father of lies or the God and Father of our Lord Jesus the Christ, who is holy, holy, holy.

  15. Beyond the back and forth, I think the intention is what matters most.
    Papa Kumuyi wanted people to be always heavenly minded and do away with corruptible devices. He stated that they are administrative rules, I think I get it now. Seeing as time has changed, and there's access everywhere he decided to let it be but continually warn against dangerous sites and channels.
    He's not laying down laws because he believes he can, but it more for the spiritual benefits of the members.


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