You are watching November 6th 2022 | RCCG THANKSGIVING SERVICE #LetitRain​ #RCCGSpecialService​​ …


  1. PRAYER:-
    Lord Jesus 🙌 everything I need for my joy and blessings to be overflowing 🙏God Almighty release them to me IJMN 🙏
    Lord Jesus 🙌 for the rest of my life give me good health IJMN 🙏 I'LL STAY IN GOOD HEALTH FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE IJMN 🙏
    Every attack of strange sickness or strange desease send into my life destroyed by fire 🔥 IJMN 🙏
    My Father 🙌 by your power 🙏take me out from the category of the poor and put me to the flourishing group IJMN 🙏
    Oh Lord Jesus 🙌Enlarge my coast spiritually, physically and materially IJMN 🙏
    Every Miracles and blessings that I need to keep me laughing 🙏 release onto me IJMN 🙏
    My Father 🙌 My Father 🙌 make me a Blessings to my Family, City, State, Nigeria and humanities IJMN 🙏
    I will end this year WELL in the name of Jesus 🙏

  2. I Lord precious osasuyi full names are precious uhunoma Monday the great JEHOVAH Nisi Great JEHOVAH holy spirit, JEHOVAH shaman, JEHOVAH Jarrah, that was when i have not come in flesh of holy spirit of old not seen, but i become in flesh as Jesus christ the holy spirit coming in flesh as precious osasuyi Jesus christ dully among men alleluia, if you accept the old JEHOVAH in spirit but not in flash you are still sinners for old thing past away, me lord precious osasuyi in flesh and dull among men , i have come in flesh as our Lord precious osasuyi Jesus christ God almighty alleluia alleluia amen Daniel 1:1-21 In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah came Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon unto Jerusalem, and besieged it.
    And the Lord gave Jehoiakim king of Judah into his hand, with part of the vessels of the house of God: which he carried into the land of Shinar to the house of his god; and he brought the vessels into the treasure house of his god.
    And the king spake unto Ashpenaz the master of his eunuchs, that he should

  3. They keep my father governmental the witchcraft how do you cut the killed my father for me my father of sassy for me erahbor osasuyi ose the bogor man, the bike rider in agbot Park , my father was very popular in I bought back it was very popular in or quarter was popular ambani used to ride bike was it right out back was using back to work you do not have money now that you have money I don't know why the government took you my father take my father wait for me since I've been Europa B often take me to survive that was me how's your way out my father is me they want to kill me minion the cross it was my father brought me out in weight from Dad theological god I'm in London and I cannot come today Julia I don't know how to come did you have talk to me just talk to me for me to come how can I use leg from Netherlands to Nigeria how can I use leg from Netherlands to Nigeria how can you tell me the government doesn't want to did not want to be posted me back from Nigeria how can I use get to Nigeria call Sean for your Lord your god your logical so did your career hi your Lord your God by Allah the Lord Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit also need your prayer pray for me to so this is too much for me everything is tomorrow for me I only need you what is it is me please I beg you

  4. Yams his food of the lord not for idols, I panded yams was the one my father gave to me I the dream, three yams and I blooms three yams repeated father the son and the Holy Spirit, my cross my blood and my sacrifice you've had the choosing by the Lord our God Friday nam in 2010 I dream about how do lunch took me how to way from here how the Lord show me the coronavirus how is show me there a Falling tone that was born with flame and Fire I was on top of the hair the frame was born in me and I called the name of Jesus three times and it took me out away from that place and I saw you thrown but no one is there but there was it close on his I know the clothes I cannot see no Monday but at leave that I was the one there sitting in a spirit That Ruin the clothes the clothes I was in that room was for me is waiting , I was I a dream when I was burning in hell , fir meaning hours , I call Jesus christ three Times , and he takes me out of hell , and take to a green land , than I saw a thrown with white clothe so one his there but I gave me 3 yams and one Broom , the thrown told me I should use it to clean my father house , I never nuthatch the thrown was me and the white clothe was waiting for me ,


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