This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Catherine Thimmesh discusses why …


  1. I believe what this speaker is offering is relevant. However she needs to take into account her audience. This way of presenting or delivering information is perfect for a group of 10 year olds, not adults. Patronizing.

  2. Her examples of creativity are not that creative. And even if they were, they are not useful for a class. What she's applying creativity to is not the content or the way children should learn. She's not integrating creativity to learning. She's simply making children move around the classroom, while the themes taught are as boring as always. Children are being overstimulated by media, yet the ways of studying are as dull as they've always been.

  3. It's funny how people are so unaware of how they come off. I know she doesn't have the intention of being belittling, unhelpful and patronizing but damn, she ACED that.

  4. thank you Catherine! i am doing a project about creativity in education this video helped giving me ideas! I am definitely going to use your techniques!
    And don't listen to these people. I loved your theatricality for real!

  5. So cool to see you up there doing your thing! I LOVE your ideas about creativity- especially asking questions like “what else could this be?” Or “what could this be turned into?” instead of telling kids to “think outside the box”. Thank you for providing concrete ways for kids to do this! And ideas for teachers to incorporate into the classroom (under five minutes)😜

  6. Interesting talk, I found the speaker to be very captivating and energetic!

    Seems like we have to make sure “the box” is defined in order to think outside it.

    How would one implement these strategies in an adults life? My boss frowns upon me turning her desk upside down and using it as a boat. 😉

  7. This is a class A bullshitter. Takes one to know one, and this lady is nothing but a bag of hot air, a snake oil saleswoman. She's talking, talking and talking, but not saying anything.

  8. The speaker just energizes! It is interesting to talk about gender analysis, because this practice is not accepted by all modern teachers. In general, the idea of small activities in the learning process is great! The game involves students in the process without strict discipline, and even more so without any penalties. This is a good idea.

  9. I don't know Rick, I agree with the fact that creativity is being killed by education system, but a bunch of kids doing what they please could easily boost their undisciplined behavior. Hard study doesn't need to be extinguished, hard-work will always pay off.


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