1. No matter what is happening in your life, just close your eyes, take a deep breath & say, "GOD, I know it is YOUR plan, just help me through it!"No one absolutely no one can close a door that GOD has open for you💚

  2. God is good and his mercy endurance forever. The very first time I listen to this song I hot tears in my eyes, I was fo moved that I had to learn the lyrics word by word, thank u Cece for this song .

  3. When I heard this song for the first time, I cry, I cry for joy because I may not know how this might God has been there for me that may not know,the sickness that never comes to life.the accident that never occurred to me!!!Oh my God what can I say?all because of your love,mercy and grace upon grace. I can sing this touching song for more than 15 times a day.


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