The joy of the dance will be experienced only when we come to hear the music. Link to the conference talk: …


  1. This is a great video with a great meaning. We can learn a lot from our American Indian brothers and sisters. Our Father Created them to be close to The Father, the earth, and creation. They stay connected to them all because many of them can still hear the music…they still feel the power of God when they dance. Something we all could learn from. Thanks for the video!

  2. Life's story to the fullest! Love it and the message behind it. I am from Alberta Canada and also Arizona….I am very close with many Indians and/or Native Americans. There is such an overwhelming love they show for people there families and this beautiful land our Father in Heaven has given us. I know for a fact that They Know The Music and it is up to us to hear it too.

  3. I'm an Native American and became a member of the church over a year now and recently received the Melchizedek Priesthood. And I'll say my life has been more happy and I feel as the whole of church is my family and I don't want to leave and I became closer to God then I ever was. When I'm feeling down I come to this video, I get them emotional feels and I feel more striving to live a more righteous life so I can live with God again 😊

  4. As a Mormon Native American, I absolutely love this. It is so meaningful to me and my other fellow Indigenous Mormons no matter the tribe and clan. This made my day! Such powerful and deep message.

  5. This is stunning and such a strong allegory of the gospel. I’ve personally have had the privilege of seeing a native dance by First Nations (Canada calls natives First Nations) performed at a cultural festival when I attended a Toastmasters Conference. The performers asked us to join toward the end of the dance as they danced encircling the room ‘blessing the land and work.’ I’m so glad I joined them when they asked for participation. Truly “those who dance seem strange or awkward to those who cannot hear the music.” We each hear the music in different ways and move differently. But hear it. And dance :).

  6. This is such a great metaphor. I really like the Mormon Church. If I had the chance to go to America, I would probably find a Mormon Church. In Vietnam, we don't have any Mormon church.

  7. When I was young, I heard the music loud and clear and I danced to it freely. Now my depression sometimes makes me feel spiritually deaf, but I try to remember the music so I can keep dancing. I know I have heard the music. Once in a while it comes back. I hope someday it will be more consistent. It is hard to dance without music.

  8. You got to turn it up to see the kingdom of God and the Truth and Jesus is the Truth. Turn everything upside down to see the Truth and tell the truth about everything admit your guilt be honest like a child humble self turn quite around go back to the Father of lights .like a key put it in the lock turn key upside down to open up and to see the mystery of the kingdom of God

  9. I love being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints and I think that the native Americans are awesome people and like every body else in the life, We all belong to one very powerful, wonderful, merciful Being. And we all used to belong Him and His only begotten Son. But to those of Us who fallow them both we are children of God. And in the church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints We begotten Son's and Daughter's of Jesus Christ. But they both love us all. No matter the color of our skin or our ethnic background or religious belief's. But We can only be in their presence if we come unto them and strive to be like Them. Perfection is the goal for all us and I LOVE them with all my heart, might, mind and strength. And I hate racism. It should abolished and wiped away.

  10. I studying in the field of medicine, and have often thought to myself that music truly is medicine to the spirit. We treat all sorts of physical ailments; but the spirit needs healing too. And today we actually have music therapy which helps people of all sorts, to feel uplifted and happy. Even in the worst situations. God bless all.

  11. As a Tewa Native from the Taos, NM reservation I can say this message is simply beautiful. So glad to have converted to the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints several years ago. That decision made all the difference in my life and my family's life.

  12. This is sadly not the gospel. The true gospel is the life death and resurrection of Jesus(God in the flesh) for SINS. (1 Corinthians 15:1-3) the only way to God is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. (Ephesians 2:8-9)


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