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  1. Black Adam never died in the movie. He was close to dying then his son gave up his powers The second the son gave up his powers to save his Father was when he died by an arrow. The father becomes (Black Adam) went on a rampage of Revenge to kill his enemies that killed his wife and son. He was later punished by the other gods and was banished into a eternal sleep. How does that relate to Jesus death, burial, resurrection?? Y’all are reading into this a bit much.

  2. Sounds like your the one corrupt by the devil, literally trying to make someone look bad in a fictional movie who cares about the people that watch big L for you and the hate you hide within yourself. …. ill pray for you paranoid people, there are worse things in this world to worry about at the moment then fictional movies regardless of what its about.

  3. "Objective observer of culture vs Indiscriminate consumer of culture." Very, very, very well said. Something I tell the ones closest to me, yet not so eloquently succinct. We need to be aware of the things we watch and listen to, especially if it's always to a specific genre of the two, because we are in agreement with these things willingly, or unwillingly.

  4. Christians are really desperate …they find "Satan" in every corner of the world to justify why they have failed to fix it from disease, war and hunger.
    Its like a guy who says a girl must be a lesbian rather than admit that he never had a chance with her.

  5. I just saw it because it's a was a very good movie and still believe in Lucifer that TV show now that's bad because they depict Lucifer as like a nice angel and a makes God looks like he's the bad guy or bad God for setting Lucifer to hell because of what he did like changing the image of Lucifer character as being good of how he wanted to take over heaven and sit on God's throne and be like God and then they twisted in a way and that show that Lucifer was the good angel and God what's wrong for doing that now that's bad. Saying like wizards and magic and that too you know that has some form of you know demonic stature and position when being influence but when I was watching that movie I didn't too much get that vibe of he was talking about the God of the Bible or he was talking about Christ or anything like that I just got a vibe of it's a comic and it was going to be very good that's all now he was saying I'm above all gods even the god of the Bible you know,that would be different.

  6. At our Bible study this evening a member that is supposed to be a Christian of good discernment was just going on about this movie & how good it was. Christians in America, it seems, have lost the desire fo righteousness. Have lost the ability to discern good & evil and are more concerned with pleasing themselves than God. Our time of persecution will facilitate what the Bible calls a great falling away because our faith is extremely shallow. God help us!

  7. God is a black man and the black man and woman are Gods because we are the original children of God…. when you look to Greek mythology, the children of Zeus are gods…..same thing goes with us. Black Adam was spot on and said nothing wrong.

  8. This is satanic and disgusting!!! I quit watching movies like this a long time ago! In a time when we need our one true God, people are looking to false gods. This is so sad. STAY AWAY FROM ANY marvel MOVIES!!!!!

  9. The bible proverbs 3:5-6 says we should not lean on our own understanding but we should pray and ask for wisdom and understanding from him so that we do not interpret his words and will wrongly

  10. I'm sorry I've enjoyed black adam, but i know for myself that i have a strong faith in God, our Almight God the father, Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit. And i only see black adam as a movie that won't influence my faith. But hopefully people will not take this fiction as real life.

  11. What in heaven's name DO these people take ANY and EVERY to reduce GOD'S image to that of whatever Hollywood cooks up ? At the SAME time they NEVER say ANYTHING about the myriad of Caucasian portrayals and so-called IMAGES of Jesus.

  12. Going to see it, The Rock gave it his all. Feel bad he's being ridiculed now. Definitely more to be concerned about than another comicbook movie. Guess the story line sucks to many but no one dissed Thor for the last 10 years so maybe it's about something else.

  13. When i firstI saw this advertisement, and the name of the movie.i knew it was something that would be blasphemy against God. Johnson should be mindful of roles he portray. That's how mu ch who live and work in Hollywood are selling their soul at any cost to stay relevant. So sad 😞. I don't believe, that believers in Christ should go and spend their money and time, to promote or give attention to evil. If it doesn't glorified God it is not worthy for a Christian to participate in.

  14. when i first saw the trailer it didnt sit right with me at all and my siblings wanted to watch it and i said i dont think they should and they used the excuse "its not like its bad its just a movie and its not like im bowing to satan" how do i respond to this excuse i dont know a reay good way to respond to this can someone pls tell me?


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