Learning how to trust can hurt; learning how to forgive can heal. —— Stay Connected Website: www.stevenfurtick.com Steven …


  1. Amen 🙏 Brother Steve!! I’ll Have You Know that This Message Is “My CONFIRMATION” In So Many Ways.
    Allow Me to say It this way. Pastor Steven Furtick!!! If You Have Never Herd These Words before. Then Here Them Now. YOU ARE, A! ANOINTED! !MESSENGER! “From THE ONE TRUE LIVING GOD ALMIGHTY” May Bless You and Yours Forever. Peace be with You 🫡

  2. Ive been struggling with not really forgiving but forgiving and dealing with the memories of how he or she hurt me and forgiving and if i do or do mot remove this person out of my life who has hurt me. Im trying my best to explain but this sermon really just spoke to me. I was falling asleep and remembered all the wrongs done to me and i felt LITERAL sick to my stomach and watched this sermon and i looked at it from a new perspective. Honestly God does it all. All faith in him❤️

  3. Can I have your permission to share this word in my group on Facebook? I literally just wrote it down, minus a few words, because I never wanna lose this amazing and powerful message!! I want to always remember it, especially when something has happened, that caused me to have a new scar. I'm over here in tears, yet, in a new found peace. I have a lot of scars, and even some wounds.. but I now have my hope back (Thank you pastor Furtick) and Thank You Jesus.. that I will be free and only left with a scar and a testimony to share.

  4. It’s not a Wounded, worship has helps control my “weaknesses” Thank you to the pure hearted and those filled with spiritual beliefs. Trust me there are times when I’m near that point of Destruction. Listen to the brave speak has tempting moments

  5. Never carried people in your heart for to long then you have too. Forgiveness is the key to be free. I have been hurt and I hurt others but Jesus heal my heart. I choose to forgive me and others . No person is without sins..Jesus take way our sins and set us free..🙇‍♀️🙏🤗

  6. The church i went to for years, the pastors wife NOT once said hello to me…and im not the only one with this observation…so im fine just gonna find a new church where people love on me because thats what the body is supposed to do is LOVE each other not just use people for their service and money. How about a thank you for tithing and keeping a roof over their head…maybe they should be homeless like i have been for them to understand how to be a fruitful Christian…

  7. At the age of 12, we put my Dad away for 22 years on 19 counts of child abuse and sexual abuse. Before all of this came out, I lived in what I call my fantasy world. I had blocked the abuse as children do. I loved them all no matter what. After he was arrested it seemed we all changed and not for the better. Instead of being close like I thought we were, we turned on each other. It all hurt so bad for awhile I completely shut down. I wasn't eating or taking care of myself. All I did was sleep. If I was in school all I wanted was to be at home asleep because sleep made the pain less. When I finally came out of sleep I had so many unanswered questions yet the more I asked the more angry everyone become until I was angry. I did so much bad during that time. I didn't know how to forgive them or myself. Depression wasn't helping. The more I acted in anger the more depressed I got. I didn't realize for years that I was blaming myself for what happened. If I hadn't been born then these things would not have happened. That was what I thought. Which is how guilt keeps dragging you down. By 15 I was spiraling out of control without understanding what I was doing. Skip to the adult I am today. See, I have forgiven them but I couldn't forgive myself. I made them more important than myself because they are important to me. Part of me thought if I could take all their hurt, all their pain, all their mistakes then God would make things like I thought they should be. The way they were when I was a child living in my fantasy world from so long ago. So I accepted the mental abuse of other's because I felt I deserved it. I accepted physical abuse because I thought I deserved it. I had accepted the devil whispering all those negative thoughts and feelings because I thought I deserved it. That's how the devil twist the truth to hurt us even more. See, I didn't realize it was myself that was the real abuser not the people I allowed to abuse me. When you are in that deep it's hard to see things as they really are. It's a cycle. Then you also start blaming yourself every time something goes wrong bring you even farther down. Allowing the devil to whisper if you had never been born none of this would be happening. Which would lead to if I hadn't fought so hard to live at birth when I had pneumonia then none of this would've happened. I'm not sharing for people to feel sorry for me, but maybe if someone out there can relate then my sharing might be worth it. See, I never had a plan for my life because at an early age I started believing I was the mistake and every bad thing I did was proof of that. God, though, did have plans for me. Praise the Lord! While I haven't forgiven myself completely I am working on it. God is amazing that way. God is showing me a new way. As long as God is with you, you are never really alone. Once you allow Him in your life He can change things in ways we never even dreamed. I still have a few walls I need to knock down. I have issues to still work on but as long as God is in my life there is always hope. Hope is the greatest seed God has planted in my life. Through hope you can find faith again. Not just in God but the world He created for us. God bless each and everyone of you.

  8. Wow what a unique sermon preacher and human being I was in a lot of pain and I still am people I really respect said I’m a satanic this really hurts my feelings and I feel so attacked and so injured like the nails through the heart it’s fine with somebody you don’t care about believes you’re evil but when somebody you love believes you’re evil it really hurts and they believe I’m evil because I don’t die my hair brown and cut it short I’m old and they think that I’m a disgrace because I bleached my hair blonde and where stylish clothes they think style is Eco testicle I think you’ve got great style some people would say you were Eco testicle I don’t but you said that forgiveness is forgiving yourself and I guess this is true I need to forgive myself for feeling like a victim forgive myself for feeling anger but I need to go to God because only God can do the forgiving and undo the judgment and neutralize the emotions and bring peace and love into my heart because God knows I’m good with my hair is blonde or brown or sheer like a donkey God knows I’m good and that’s all that matters to me is what God thinks about me and just like my blonde hair is like the scars from my life I don’t need to erase the scars or who I was or where it came from or be ashamed of it I can be who I was and who I am and still love be loved and still be perfectly imperfect and forgiven in God‘s eyes even if humanity doesn’t judges me as a scumbag it’s not it’s not their place to judge me or control me only God directs me and God says be you I love you people say because I bleach my hair I’m worshiping idols and I want to be God but I can’t worry about what they think and what their belief systems are the meek people are humble in virtue signaling people are closer to God and the truth then an extra per prostitute who still has blonde hair but definitely wants to be of service to humanity I was of service before and I’m in a different kind of service now my little kittens all curled up walking on my chest as I talk so cute oh he just has so much love to give I can get out of worrying about what people think or what mistakes I’ve done or how people pleasing and just get into the moment of life and the sweetness of petting a cat not worry about what other people think and just listen to God get into forgiveness of my judgment and love unconditionally if I were to give any encouragement to you it would be I love how passionate you are in your ministry but we have to be careful with our voice because it’s a delicate instrument and if it’s if you blow it too hard too long you’ll lose the voice that’s carrying the message and you’re just too good and sometimes a softer tone gets the message across just as powerfully I know you help a lot of people but trust God will deliver the message through the ideas and not necessarily the volume as a dancer our profession sometimes injures our body and it’s now my kitties bite in the back of my arm because he wants me to play it’s getting pretty he’s so darn cute thank you and you were cute visit ha ha ha ha are you my king yeah you are a what are you doing OK all right be gentle and kiss kiss it snow owl all right what it what is your issue what is your issue where is your toy no no no no no I said no hey you’re gonna get a squirt watch it you’re gonna get a squirt it will stink yeah play with your own tail that’s a good idea….. excuse me I was recording all that oh my God anyway you’re amazing what an unusual unique minister I love how you don’t kowtow to the virtue signaling image of a typical minister and I don’t want to count towel to a typical humanitarian you know we don’t have to erase our style and our individuality just because other people don’t comprehend our taste they didn’t walk in our shoes they didn’t walk our life and yet they want to impose their image on us when we are with God is beyond a concept and we are made in the image and likeness of God and he shows himself to each one of us in a different way but I really like you’re staying true to you your transparency your honesty and certainly your passion what a great minister what a young young handsome miracle that God speaks through you so powerfully I really got a lot out of this and I was in so much pain and I do feel much better that’s your gift you take away the pain and if that is an a miracle I don’t know what is God bless you sweetheart ❤️‍🔥🤩🙏🤍✈️⚡️👱🏻‍♀️🌈⛈

  9. Who I want to forgive everything
    What I want to forgive everything
    Where I want to forgive everything
    When I want to forgive everything
    Why I want to forgive everything
    Which I want to forgive everything
    How I want to forgive everything


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