Have you ever wondered how God sees you? It’s common to refer to yourself as a “child of God,” but He wants to take you deeper …


  1. This breaks down our identity and divinity. Been looking for this for a repeat to fully digest this powerful word. Thank you Lord for sending your word and anointed children. Bless him and his family 1 million fold with favor, power, protection and prosperity!!! 🙏🏾

  2. This was a good word, Pastor! I was dealing with this all month long. Like you said, deep was calling to deep, and after so many years of walking with Jesus, sometimes we need fresh insight into what the Lord sees in us, especially when we are going through some things.

  3. Our Messiah's name is Yehoshua Ben-Yosef. The name 'Jesus' is a late creation of English-speakers invented in the late 16th century. This is around the same time the letter 'J' was invented. There is no 'J' sound in Hebrew, Latin, or Greek. The English created this name from the Greeks-due to the English language being a combination of the Greek & Latin languages-who substituted the transliterated name of Yehoshua for IESOUS (or the Latin substituted name 'Iesus'). It is known that the Greek name endings 'sus', 'seus', and 'sous' were attached by the Greeks to names and geographic areas to give honor to their supreme deity, 'Zeus'. For example, the city of Tarsus means 'sweat of Zeus'. Furthermore our Creator's name is not 'God'. This is an invention by the Germans. The Germans used this title for their supreme deity Odin. In SH'MOT (Exodus) 6:3, Our Creator gave the Jews(or Yehudis) His Name: Yud-Heh-Waw-Heh (or Yahweh, some say Yah).

  4. GOD IS SO ALMIGHTY & WONDERFUL IN ALL HIS WAYS!!! He knew l needed to hear this again!!! He gave it to me during Bible study with my baby Mackenzie and it popped back up again today with my son!!!! HALLELUYAH!!!!

  5. Omgoodness you are answering some of the questions I've been asking God…My Pastor just preached about THE GLORY OF GOD TONIGHT. This a double blessing for me tonight. .GOD KEEP ME MOVING FORWARD….💪🙏

  6. Pastor Toure Roberts is steps ahead with his anointing. We observe him breaking God's wisdom into crumbs to feed the hungry people. He's so knowledgeable of God that he must unsmart himself to be understood. To watch him carefully comb through his thoughts is a high admiration. He is God's reflection, and so are we! To God be the glory!

  7. These are the mysteries of God😭😭🙌🏾🙌🏾Remnant it’s time for us to 1. be fruitful (BE who we are) and 2. multiply. Multiplication of God’s image, reflecting the glory of God can only be a blessing unto others and this earth.

    “..God is springing into action from His holy dwelling” Zechariah 2:13

  8. If you're reading this with tears in your eyes, know that GOD is speaking directly to your wounded soul through this message. You didn't just happen to stumble across this message.GOD led you to it.He wants you to know that He is making a way for you right now!He is healing that sickness. He is going to give you an opportunity that you've never had.He is going to heal your strained relationships.Stay in faith, bcos your breakthroughs is coming.🕊🕊🕊


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