New wine can’t flow in old wineskins, old fabric cannot create new clothes, and a torn spirit cannot fully know God. Your life ought …


  1. “Selah” to this whole message. I will watch it again and again because I’m taking it personally and I must ALLOW the Holy Spirit to have his way in my life. I no longer want to be “Torn between the Two”. I absolutely know too much about HIM. Thank You Bishop. Thank You.

  2. Amen 😞 This is the most TOUCHING prophetic word I've ever gotten from Bishop. I am torn between the two. I'm tired. This has to cease. I'm ready to turn a new leaf COMPLETELY.

  3. I watch TD Jakes videos before I go to bed, it's not a coincidence the videos I find sermons that connect with what I go through, I've been going back to church since June, I haven't been going every Sunday but I know when I am there the Lord is speaking to me.. I'm glad the Lord never forsake me or stop protecting me and my family and he uses Preachers like TD Jakes to reach me 🥺 God has been better than good to me I will bless him forever 🙏🏽

  4. I AM here because I love Jesus. I have stayed with the devil and have fallen in love with the devil, he ❤😂🎉😮😅😊is not quite as tops as Jesus because Jesus is after all, Jesus…

  5. I cried when I got fake news that bishop died, after listening to this sermon, am convinced Bishop is still here for many years to come. God forgive the people who wish others death. I luv you bishop…
    Stella from Uganda

  6. It makes me feel so sad for Nicodemus. As it might not of been the want to stay in power, or be important to not follow Jesus and be born again, but love of his brothers (the pharisees). He must of thought, "but these guys are my family. They've been with me and helped me and loved me. How can I leave them? They will think I don't care about them."
    At the same time, knowing the truth. He must of never felt peace in his heart because he was torn between the 2. And that is heartbreaking to think that he never felt peace.

  7. Papa Jakes, Pastor Jakes, Bishop Jakes. You've been so many things to so many of us and though We may not all have the opportunity to meet you in person, I am so grateful that you answered the call then and now. Glory be to God!

  8. My summary recap:
    Luke 5:36-39
    Emotions are divided

    Torn apart
    We want new things but need to release the old ideas
    Faithful to the old while ASPIRE to the new

    People knew you then vs now
    Relationships, Jobs, Houses, etc.

    Emotional distraught
    God offers a new things and needs yuh ou to embrace the new instead of old ideas.

    Some pray for better but won't accept it because worse can be familiar. Abused by people, churches, jobs, etc due to familiarity.
    Loyal to a fault
    Don't be loyal to a fault

    Don't try to fit in, their approval matters more than God's
    Who would you be without tradition.

    We must be obedient to God and not important to people.
    We become old fabric, losing our ability to stretch. Worn out and afraid of tears

    We can't accept new because the old will become uncomfortable.
    God will reveal you and challenge you to see yourself

    Don't play along with games, if you don't agree, be bold enough to disagree

    Be accepted by friends

    Peace is to be one again
    Can't get married if you are not whole/single
    It's not easy

    Go up
    It requires work and grind
    To fall is to let go
    Endure or give it in

    Don't be lazy, put the work in
    Feed the 5000, give up the 5 Fishes and 2 loaves

    Be consistent
    Diligent will get you there, consistency will keep you there, gratitude will keep you there

    Be grateful and not worried
    New wine in old skins
    Holy spirit into old skins, your body
    You will be filled but it will burst

    Make a decision, do you love the skins or the new wine
    Go to what looks like worse so you must choose.
    You may not choose them if forced to decide

    New wine is evolving and stretches the skins.
    It forces a disruption

    It threats what you are accustomed to
    It lost its elasticity with time
    Don't forget what it was like to be young. It's easy for you to pass judgment as we get older but remember when you were young

    It wasn't always wrong, it lost its viability

    New testament truth to an old testament people
    Some people want to kill the truth to keep the tradition

    Caine was ready to kill brother than a calf

    The skins burst
    Make a decision
    Walk into the light or eat old bread
    Depend on God for daily bread
    God will not take you back but bring you forward

    Abraham was torn between what God had said vs what he is saying now. Kill son or ram?

    Grow, flow and evolve with you

    God will do a new thing in your life

    The system we are in will not flow
    Pour new wine into old skin
    Don't lose what is new

    Make a decision
    Don't be lukewarm, torn between the two

    Some people and institutions don't want to change
    They would rather kill you than change
    Be separated
    If they do not receive you, dust off your sandals

    Preserve it
    Use what is new
    Dange of using antiquated
    Quick to use something new

    Allow it to preserve and stand the fire
    Follow new just because it is new
    Has it been preserved and fully fermented?

    Just as dangerous to chase all new things as it is to hold onto the old.
    You must go through the process
    Withstand the test, praise him in pain and poverty

    Have you been test, tried and true?
    Everything is not a revelation, it becomes hearsy.

    It takes time to truly become, everything wont happen today

    Swell up in your new skins
    I'll wait on you God
    New job, car, relationship, etc.

    John 3:1-10
    You must be born again
    New revelations mean you can't go back to blindness

    You can't go into the kingdom of God. You must be born again as God is with you

  9. I wouldn't really speak on the matter because I didn't watch it although I keep up with a lil religion n a lot of the old testament because it's such interesting history n it includes me n others I would only question yur motive if yu anointed her to lead yur church I saw the title but I might question this did yu anoint yur daughter to lead tha church because she waz yur daughter? Or because their were no available men who possessed her qualitys n was able to lead God's house n I no longer keep up with the new testament very much at all but I remember much still almost 15yrs later but Paul was a prophet just as well as an apostle n a leader n he spoke on women in church n about the coming of Chridt tha Beasts n the last dayz… there were women prophets like Miriam Dora n Deborah among the few that their were.. VS ⚫

  10. I am torn between the two and this message came to me at the right time, at a time where I’m very much torn in my life and I’m sick of being here. Thank you so much bishop because this speaks to me, you are a true vessel of God❤


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