Building Capacity For Enlargement |Ownership Conf 2022|HOT J’burg-South Africa|Apostle Joshua Selman For questions and …


  1. @koinoniaglobal, I think you made a mistake in the topic/title, it should be "Enlargement" and not "Engagement." Please do modify it.

    May God continue to bless and increase Apostle and the media teams in Jesus' Name, Amen.

  2. Glory to God in the highest, halleluyah. lt is an honour to be a part of Apostle Joshua Selman's Ministry. You are an inspiration to all, more wisdom, knowledge, continuous flow of the HOLY SPIRIT IN JESUS NAME AMEN.The Lord will watch over you, preserve you and you will dwell always under HIS PAVILION & WINGS as you travel globally IJN AMEN.

  3. Dear GOD, thank YOU for new mercies every morning & for providing all that I need!What you prayed for is going to happen. It will all work out.Remember the same GOD that made a way last time, will make a way this time.

  4. I call this man "Wisdom". He's wisdom personified, even before I listen to his sermons, I know for a fact that he's going to speak wisdom that'll compell one to do the right things. The wisdom in his sermons are capable of changing lives.

  5. As I'm writing my exams, I declare over my life that I will never fail, my friends will never fail, my classmates will never fail. In the mighty name of Jesus… I'm really grateful for such a beautiful song…!

  6. South Africa, back to God. Lord Jesus, we thank you as a country that you remembered us by sending your servant to our nation. Thank you for what you are doing for our country, government and different institutions, provinces, communities and to us as individuals. Thank you for revival in our souls. We acknowledge what you have done for us and what you are doing. We are greatful and humbled by your mercies towards us🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾.


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