Dell looks back on her decision to get a late term abortion and the devastating consequence left on her life. Through a vision of …


  1. My prayer is that your beautiful story of healing and forgiveness reaches so many women who have experienced the pain of abortion. Thank you for your amazing testimony ❀️‍πŸ”₯

  2. Abortion, like murder, is a great sin…but the love of JESUS is far, far greater than any sin…it can even cover our multitudes of sin and His blood washes them all away….Praise be to God, hallelujah!

  3. She didn’t explain why she fell in the foyer. Usually When I hear the stories or testimonies it’s when someone has a near death experience and then they go to heaven and come back but she just said she felt her knees she doesn’t say if she passed out or she doesn’t explain anything afterwards about if her husband said are you OK or anything else it is kind of strange this particular testimony

  4. I really feel a lot for all women, because I was in a situation with both of my pregnancies where I didn't feel ok with my bare bones finances or my marriage. Both of my kids are mid- thirties now and doing well. Our country needs to stop all " instruction" that insinuates that an unborn child is not a unique human being. The only answer is more people to hear the gospel

  5. None of these have touched me a deeply as this one..and no, it's not because of my having the same experience, because I have not personally experienced abortion..but because I know many who have made the decision to abort and live with the deep agonizing pain of guilt, self condemnation and regret..and it brings me great joy to see God come in and restore them and heal that deep wound that only God can truly heal..and finally they have truly been set free. Praise God! πŸ™Œ

  6. I will never understand why people who commit abortion because of fear they won’t be able to take care of the baby due to finances. What about just putting baby up for adoption.

  7. Lord I have successfully destroyed all my relationships and sabotaged all my life
    Lord I am still pushing and I will not let You go until You heal me
    I am tired of myself
    If anyone is lamenting anything I can relate to it trust me

  8. Wow this is so powerful. Lord I will continue in prayer that people can see the blessing of children and be supported to carry and care for their baby to term and birth. Lord please open peoples eyes so they can see the precious unborn babies as You see them. That the deception will be lifted from all pro choice peoples eyes

  9. I didn’t believe in god too much I was unsure. I got pregnant one day my partner left me at 6 weeks. I loved the baby and couldn’t wait to have her. Sadly I was told she had tri triploidy and a heart problem so she will be still born and they said that I needed to get an abortion. I tried all I could to keep her. I wish I knew Jesus back then. Such is life.

  10. Thank you God for your forgiveness. Thank you for freeing me from regrets and guilt. And for showing me to forgive myself for the wrong choices I've made. You have set me free. In Jesus Christ name through your Holy Spirit I pray. Amen

  11. I was slain in the spirit in my bedroom as I held hands with 2 of my sisters , I was whisked into a place where I saw me and my sisters children dancing together in a garden. 20 years later the Lord shared whose child was whose and I will forever be so grateful for being whisked up to Heaven to see them. His hands on her shoulders hers on his hips, swaying gently as a fog rolled throughβ€”β€”i could hear thousands of angels singing in the distance. I will NEVER FORGET THAT DAY.


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