Most people have heard the old phrase, “little children – little problems; big children – big problems.” In this episode of Candid …


  1. hard to concentrate on what the woman was saying through her botoxed frozen mask. what the hell is wrong with women that they think frozen faces are attractive. give me a naturally aged woman anyday, than these narcissistic botoxed creatures

  2. Thank you for this. It's brought me so much peace. I just searched this subject because I was feeling a little weary about my situation. I feel encouraged and able to move forward with hope again.

  3. My youngest son won’t listen, won’t obey, won’t honor, won’t behave at all! In 1st grade
    he took a knife school. I have been in the office more times than I care to count. He has more attention from me than any other
    child. He literally tried set our house on fire again, tonight. He is 7!!!!! We have tried everything we have known to try. Nothing is working. I am ready to ship
    him off to boarding school. I DON’T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO!!!!! I have prayed so many times and nothing has changed. His back talk and tone is horridness.I keep turning to God and nothing is changing!

  4. This was such a great message I had to take out pen and paper and take notes!! I have 3 children 29 girl 24 boy and 12 boy. The 29 is doing her own thing and living her life. It sometimes makes me sad that she only choose to visit once a year. The 24 yr old boy still live with is mom. We work together to live in this high price economy we are in so he works goes to school online and helps pay bills. We get into it a lot because I am afraid that he had harbored feeling of his dad and I divorce over 20 yrs ago. He has become negative about women and his point of view is tarnished because of YouTube and the things he chooses to believe. I have raised him in the fear of the Lord from birth. Lately we have been on the silent treatment side because I feel his views and my views are not the same. I have been praying about having a talk with of him moving out. This message has help me so much because I feel I have play a role in not letting go of the way I grew up. Family 1st. These children are different than we were. I would like to ask for prayer. As Joyce said in this video we tend to make things about ourselves. I think I have put pressure on my children to prove they love me. I think because I miss my mom that passed 6 yrs ago I am lonely. I have to brothers that are astrange and pick and choose when they want to be a family. It has weighed my ❤️ down.

  5. Thank you so much!! I needed to hear this today!! God Bless you for saying these beautiful words!! This really comforted me. Im also praying for change with my one and only son. Please keep my family in prayer❤❤

  6. Beautiful words of encouragement that I needed to hear. I'm praying that my 30-year-old son who spent his entire twenties in prison will except Jesus Christ as his Lord Savior and King.And for all that anger , hurt and pain and depression and the thoughts of suicide will leave him and that he will be able to have peace and joy once again.

  7. What if your child does depart? My daughter (20) told me two days ago that she doesn’t want me in her life and that she is no longer Christian and God is not her God. Can anyone give me some advice. I believe in prayer, but my heart is broken!

  8. Thank you Joyce, God used you to speak to me about basic thing, Prayer. I was so desperate and tired about my son's attitude (10 yo) whom I perceive need a psychological consultation and therapy. He might have ADHD or other psychological issue. The most heartbreaking thing is he talks rudely and coarsely, disrespecting me. I feel like giving up. Through this video I'm also reminded that I'd been very negative in my reactions. I regret all my past actions, I hurt him with my words and action, although he did the same to me too, even worse.

  9. Please pray for all lees 4 wonderful sons. And pray for there protection.pray for all travelers chaos worldwide dishonest nation society people.exspeically evil nz wide selfish, greedy thieves nzwide money hunger people. 950,00 people leaving for overseas aussie America braitain. I pray for all my son's will go to church in America.

  10. My son is on the wrong path. He has a child with his long time girlfriend of 4 years. He cheated on her and got engaged to this other girl behind our backs!!!!! This other girl new he had a pregnant girlfriend AND REFUSED TO BACK OFF! This other girl has also caused our son to be facing charges. This is so heartbreaking! The evil soul ties with this other girl need to be broken off our son in the name of Jesus! Our son needs to take responsibility for his actions! In the name of Jesus, our son needs to humble himself and make amends to his child and her mother!

  11. Please pray for my son and his wife. My son, who was raised in church, saved and baptized now questions the existence of God and his wife has been a life-long atheist as is her family. I pray for them nightly but the more prayers the better.


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