Tasha Cobbs Leonard’s Royalty: Live At The Ryman Longform Concert Get the album here: https://TCLeonard.lnk.to/RoyaltyID …


  1. The prophetic–mathematical
    proof of the existence of God
    The Bible contains more than 3,000 prophetic sayings
    (prophecies) which have already been fulfilled. An easy
    example to comprehend is the dispersion of the people
    of Israel announced by God (Deuteronomy 28:64–65),
    and the subsequent promise of returning to the land
    of Israel by the prophet Jeremiah (Jeremiah 16:14–15)
    which was realised by the founding of the state of Israel
    in 1948, almost 2,000 years later. No other book in world
    history can claim this kind of reliability and accuracy.
    This provides us with a unique criterion to validate the
    truth. Is it possible that people over a period of 1,500
    years could foretell so many precise predictions? Did
    they come true just by chance or was it only possible
    because God was the author of the Bible, who alone in
    His omniscience can utter prophecies that can be veri –
    fied in the course of history?
    A simple analogy can help us evaluate the likelihood of
    a chance outcome. Imagine a huge anthill where among
    a mass of black ants we suppose just one red one. It is
    easy to comprehend that to locate that single red ant by
    chance (e.g. with covered eyes) will be almost impos –
    sible, and should the number of black ants rise even fur –
    ther, the likelihood of finding the only red one by chance
    will reduce even more. The question now is:
    What must be the number of ants in the anthill so
    that the likelihood of picking the red ant just by
    chance is equal to the probability that the 3,268
    prophecies can be fulfilled by chance?
    We will begin with an estimation. Would the number
    of ants required be that that would fit in a bathtub
    (V = 0.4 m 3 ) or do we need a volume the size of the
    amount of water in the Lake of Baikal (V = 23,600 km 3 )
    or even a volume the size of our planet Earth (V = 1.1
    x 10 12 km3 ) to contain them? The calculation shows it
    still wouldn’t suffice. What must we do? Must we even
    think about filling our huge universe (V = 1.2 x 10 70 km 3 )
    densely with ants or even two or three of them; perhaps
    100 (10 2 ) or 1,000 (10 3 )? Only the mathematical cal –
    culation will satisfy all our imaginations and tell us the
    actual number of universes; it is an unconceivable 10 896
    (10 with the exponent 896). What does this immense
    number — a one followed by 896 zeroes — of universes
    completely filled by ants tell us?
    The likelihood of the fulfilment of more than 3,000 proph-
    ecies just by chance is practically void. The results of the
    numerical calculations show such gigantic numbers that
    it will overstrain and surpass all our thinking and imagi –
    nation and thereby prevent us from fairly evaluating or
    assessing this reality. The complete mathematical proof
    can be found in my book “So steht’s geschrieben” (ISBN
    (978-3-89397-982-0) [“So it is Written”). The amazing
    result can be summarized in short:
    By means of the “Prophetic–mathematical proof
    of the existence of God” the likelihood of an omni –
    scient and almighty God, which is identical with the
    God of the Bible, is proved.
    So three significant consequences arise from this proof:
    1. The Bible is from God and is true.
    No group of human beings is able to express any proph –
    ecies that in total will come true. The true author of the
    Bible is the omniscient and almighty God (2 Timothy
    3:16). Therefore the Bible is true. Jesus prays to His
    father in heaven: “Thy word is truth” (John 17:17) and
    the apostle Paul confesses: “I believe all things which
    are written” (Acts 24:14). He trusted God even without
    knowing the “Prophetic–mathematical proof of the exis-
    tence of God”.
    2. There is no other God than the God of the Bible.
    None of the ‘proofs of the existence of god’ provided in
    past times confirm a certain god. They are all presented
    to us in such a general way that each religion can make
    use of them for itself. Contrary wise, the “Prophetic–
    mathematical proof of the existence of God” explicitly
    refers to the God of the Bible and His Son Jesus Christ.

    If you want to be saved in order to get to heaven you must turn
    away from your old life without Jesus and accept Jesus
    as your personal saviour. This turnaround of your life can
    happen with a prayer of this kind:
    “Lord Jesus Christ, I have lived so far as though you
    weren’t alive. But now I have realised who you are, and
    therefore I turn to you in prayer for the first time. I now
    know that there is a heaven and a hell. Please save me
    from hell, which I have deserved to go to because of all
    my sins, and above all my unbelief. I sincerely wish to
    be with you in heaven for all eternity. I’m aware that I
    cannot enter into heaven on account of my own efforts
    and credits, but only through faith in you. Because of
    your unconditional love for me you have died for me
    on the cross and taken all my transgressions on you
    and paid for me. I do thank you for this great salva –
    tion. You know all my guilt from my earliest childhood.
    Every single sin of my life is known to you — all that I
    do remember and even those that I have long forgotten.
    You know all about me because you thoroughly know
    me. Every emotion of my heart you are familiar with —
    whether joy or grief, wellbeing or sadness. In your sight
    I am just like an open book. By living as I have until now
    I could not exist in the presence of the living and holy
    God and therefore I would miss heaven. For this reason
    I ask you to forgive all my sins, which I deeply regret.
    Please help me to get rid of all that is not right in your
    holy eyes and teach me new habits and ways of life
    that will honour you. Open your Word, the Bible, for me.
    Help me to understand what you want to tell me through
    it, that I might receive new strength and joy of life by
    reading it. I ask you to be my Lord to whom I will gladly
    belong from now on. Please give me an obedient heart.
    Show me the way that I should go from now on. I thank
    you that you have answered my prayer. I do trust your
    promise that I have become a child of God that eternally
    will be in heaven by turning to you. I’m so undeserving
    of this great gain, to have you with me even now. Please
    help me to find people who also have a personal rela-
    tionship with you and help me to find a
    biblical church where I can hear God’s
    Word. Amen.”
    "Russland in der biblischen Prophetie" – Dr.Roger Liebi


  2. Royalty change my life I was so depressed and hopeless there is days i wanted to die. Never gave up on me is one of my favorite song every word in that song speak to me is me thank you God&Jesus for believing in me and never gave up on me and forever being there for me.

  3. Thank you Jesus Christ for your unconditional love shown to me even at this trying moment of my life. I've been crying all this morning but I strongly believe that you God Almighty never gave up on me in Jesus might name. 😢😢😢

  4. Those days when the devil wants to get in my way…with his foolish games I just listen to this lady and the spirit of God shakes those games away. She feels my spirit cause God use her to speak to me. She's my inspiration and my example to be sure Gods it's my savior and that He will help me fight those moments of weakness and sorrow. Thanks Ms. Tosha. En el nombre de nuestro Dios. Amen🙏


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