Harvard students study more than books of law, but the Bible as well. They’ve seen miracles happen, and they seek to see Christ …


  1. As a Christian and law student myself, I think this is just amazing! Where I am, it can be difficult to be a Christian, especially studying law, but God is connecting those who love Him to each other nonetheless.
    God is starting a movement and it makes me incredibly excited!

  2. Yes, just like our master Jesus spoke with authority not like the Pharisees and scribes. Today we need pastors who speak with authority and not just sermons and the fellow Christians will follow with power! The intellectual Gospel is getting nowhere look at our nations it is time to cast out demons and heal the sick in Jesus name!

  3. Harvard Law Professor Simon Greenleaf wrote Testimony of the Evangelists and said the eyewitness accounts of the Apostles under the legal rules of evidence would stand up in any court of law.


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