A Good Relationship Dr Myles Munroe Speaks on How To Achieve a Successful Relationship

Originally posted 2020-12-30 14:53:40. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


  1. i am single, 32 years of age and i am glad i am still learning about marriage before God release my very own. listening to this made me realize how NOT ready i am for marriage. i am glad i waited. it is worth it.

  2. Love doesnt keep a relationship together!

    Life is complicated.

    If you abuse or mismanage anything you are walking into destruction. If your God is your appetite then destruction is your destiny and their glory is their shame. Their minds is on earthy things and worldly systems.

    This is what the kingdom says you should get married on:

    1. By wisdom a house is built and through understanding it is established and through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasure.

    It means is a nice place to be all the time. Every room feels like a beautiful place that is lovely. You just want to stay home.

    2. A wise man has great power and a man of knowledge increases strength.

    When you have wisdom you have the ability to handle things and live together effectively. If you have wisdom when you have knowledge you handle your house with strength. You are not weak. You know what to do when problems arise.

    A. Knowledge is information: If you are going to have a successful relationship with anybody you need to get knowledge. You dont need prayer you need information. Prayer does not cancel ignorance. You need skills, knowledge, principles and understand human nature. These things got to be learned and studied. If both parts are ignorant it is a foolish relationship. Then you say lets commit forever.

    B. Understanding is comprehension: You comprehend the information. You cant do wisdom if you cant understand.

    C. Wisdom is application. You cannot apply what you do not understand. You cannot understand what you do not know. Stop trying to make the holy ghost your spouse. Jesus said the holy spirit will guide you into all truth and it will bring into your rememberance the things you’ve learned. Being old does not means you are wise. Being old just means you are old.

    Old people are filled with regrets. They call regret wisdom. Regret is an experience you wish you never had. We need to be careful as there is no substitute for knowledge.

    A lot of people get a divorce not because they didnt know but because they didnt apply nor listened. They didnt use the information properly. Thats called foolish. A smoking doctor is a fool so we need to apply truth.

    Truth is defined as original information. When Christ says: “I am the way, the truth and life”. He meant I am the way to the original information that gives you life. Truth is always from the source. Anything other than the source is an opinion.

    This is how cook books are made. The recipe is on the left and the picture on the right. We never look at the left we love how the picture looks. The problem is we do the same thing with our relationships. Every woman has in their head the best marriage picture.

    The picture is the result of a process. Dont you dare walk down an aisle believing in a picture. A picture is a promise that if you follow this process this is the result you’ll get.

    The problem is we get married to people and we demand the picture and this person has no idea how to produce this picture for you. Here is why. The key to the cake is 2 things the ingredients and the recipe. The recipe is how things should happen in sequence. The ingredients are the components that make up the recipe. All of them are necessary to produce the product.

    That photograph in your head is complicated.

  3. Never rely on your spouse to fill voids that only God can fill. Put your relationship with God before and above everything else 🇰🇪🇰🇪🇰🇪Kenya

  4. “The more knowledge you get the harder it is to find somebody” so true for me because I don’t want to settle anymore. Thank you so much for this I needed this word. Everything about this is so true!

  5. OMG! I just recently watched a couple of these videos, but this one particularly though short, it really really had an impact on me like never before in my entire life. To put it, i just can’t explain how I felt after not just listening but meditating on this practical and life changing video. Trust me my stand on marriage has taken another turn because already I always had a different perception about marriage but your message is just so so real… This is just so captivating, educating and spiritual. Most importantly I loved the detailed part about Knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom concerning marriage. I thank God for your life on this earth, and even though u are no more be reassured that I and the many others are grateful and your good works and legacy will continue to remain and blossom in us and all. I am always afraid and meticulous not to fail God and myself because there is no excuse for this generation of ours with all these knowledgeable resources available to us.

    • Standing in agreement for our divine unions. They impact so much more than our own lives they set a foundation and blueprint for our family, friends, communities, and create a ripple effect to uplift heal the world. Father God I pray for balanced open and loving individuals, that we have open, loving, balanced, understanding, empathic marriages that heals creation. In Jesus’ Holy name. Thank you Dr. Miles for your obedience, candor, transparency and efforts to educate and heal! We honor you man of God!!

  6. I met husband still, together after 13 years we agreed from the start to have understanding we have grown in this realtionship together god has given me strength we still in love with each other

  7. I do believe that you need information but I also believe that you need a combination of knowledge and prayer to work. Pray for understanding and clarity which will help provide a path of information.


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