Many are about to stand before Jesus, and will hear something they didn’t expect. This video is an urgent warning to be ready for …


  1. Note: The focus of Jesus in the passage was not “works” earning one’s way into Heaven. He said He “never knew them”. Those who were “workers of lawlessness” likely never were His in the beginning. When you are truly of God, you will bear fruit. As Matthew states, there will be many who say “Lord Lord”, and will hear something similar to what this girl heard. Her life bore evidence that she was not truly regenerate. We explored that in detail here:

  2. I've been saying the last few years, what keeps me up at night is what can I sacrifice next so that Jesus may not say "Depart from Me, for I never knew you." And I've cried out in prayer, please God I can't do it alone and all I want is to desire Your Word so that I may lead others to You Father. I don't know what's happened but all the sudden I've love all people in a completely different way and the desire to actually study His Word everyday has truly changed my whole mindset. I've been Born Again and this wonderful gift came when I gave up trying to please Him all by myself and asked for help.

  3. thank you for saying this I know the Lord inspired you this is what I needed to hear before I go to my Bible study and talk about it Hallelujah to the Lord all praise goes to him but thank you for being his messenger

  4. I had a dream last night that seemed pretty chill and then all of a sudden I was attacked by a demon. I woke up that overwhelmed that I knew it wasn't just a dream but I was under spiritual attack

  5. Love is absolutely key, but asking Him into your heart as your Savior and believing He’s the Son God that died on the Cross for you paying for all your sins with his Blood is absolutely necessary. The Holy Spirit will reside in you sealed unto the date of your redemption. The Holy Spirit will help you turn to the Lord and be in a walk with him. When that happens first, you will have His Love in you to Love thy neighbor as thyself …. God Bless 🙏🏻✝️❤️

  6. God bless you for speaking the truth clearly…and then repeating it clearly again…Many will respond… in the name of Jesus the Lion of the tribe of Judah and by the power of The Holy Spirit open hearts and minds to see clearly what is true and real. Host defend these brave souls…amen

  7. A minute in, and it they are saying good works gets you into heaven. This is a galse gospel. We get into heaven by having faith in Jesus. Are good works good, yes. As Christians, should we have done the examples give in the video? Yes. However, you do NOT get to heaven by works.

  8. You will be one of those people in Matt 7. You are teaching a works based salvation. You have this long hair catholic jesus . Jesus never knew them because those people were trusting their own works instead of doing the will of the Father. The will of the Father is John 6:40 which is believe on JESUS ALONE for salvation. You are teaching works, the funny thing is you are the one of those people in Matt 7.

  9. Helping people will not get you into heaven
    What will loving everyone and treating everyone equally with respect
    Help people not because you want to go to heaven
    Help people because you want to help them
    Doesn't matter what they've done, how they look, how they act, what they believe in
    All that matters is how you treat others, yourself and making the effort to do God's will

  10. SALVATION is a GIFT not
    earned by any “good works”. (Eph2:8-9 KJV)
    REWARDS are EARNED by what you do. (2Cor5:10 KJV)
    What is presented in this video displays a shameful misunderstanding of what is written in Matt7:21-23 KJV. This is spoken to those who do many works in the name of the Lord, but do them for their own gain.
    AGAIN – SALVATION is a gift of God and can never be earned, and once received, can never be lost. The helmet of salvation can never be removed! (Eph6:17 KJV)


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