Originally posted 2020-12-30 14:53:25. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


  1. I left Jehovah’s witness religion late last year due to their false interpretations of the bible and Jesus. I did months of research to find the Truth….and through many hours of prayer, God led me to Doc Myles Munroe! Praise God! My Spiritual life has not been the same since I gave my life to Jesus! .I just can’t stop meditating on the bible and the ministry of Myles Munroe!My intention , is to go to the Bahamas Faith Ministries some day soon, with my children. I wish you all well in the name of Jesus!

  2. I’m a African(34yrs)living in Norway for the passed 8yrs, here in Norway we r not fully into the things of God but I grew up in a Christian home in Africa with my parents. Since I moved to Norway I have lose focus on my faith.But God is a good God. He had put me in a situations that I have no one to go to but him God. I need help with my bills, I had so much faith in my jod as a nurse n in myself. But my Job can’t cover my bills than God said I got you little child of mine.I sat one night n cried like a baby,after a while I got quite than I heard a voice in my inner spirit saying to me you have to seek my face by fasting and prayer for some days. I said to myself wow fasting! I said ok ,I will give you 5days from 6am to 6pm during these five days. I said but God you have to lead me because I have not done fast for years. It was Wednesday night I had this experience,that night I went on the Internet looking for bible verses about fasting and prayer, I got so many of them n I went on my social media pages I told my family and friends that my phone will be off for sometimes so no one should worry about me. I called my mom back home in Africa and told her about my plans, she was so happy for my idea n she said to me I can take it along with you baby, I said no to her because of her health condition at that time but I got some bible verses from her as well. The same Wednesday night I wrote my pray points down than on Thursday I started my five days fasting and prayer. To be truthful I couldn’t understand the bible whenever I read it than The voice said to me take your iPad and go to YouTube n write in teaching on fasting and praying, i did it n the first video came across was Dr Myrles Munroe and I’m so happy I came across his teaching because my eyes have open to the truth once again. I’m watching his teaching through my five days, I’m on my fourth day now. I feel very different no stress no heart beating faster because I have learned that I should put my Faith in God n every problem is temporary 🙌.Thank you Lord for your word👏👏👏👏

    • God will always lead you to your need. All you did was obey and you did not question , which is so beautiful. The power of faith has transformed you which is very inspiring. Who ever you were created to be will prevail your purpose will be what God intended it to be. He always makes way where there is no way.

    • Yartsu Johansen I was doc. Myles Monroe hearer of his stuff.powerful message from God he was tremendously blessed my life with the revelation he tought.

      By the way I’m Noe from the Philippines….
      A pastor of living faith ministries…

    • Tito Bracero it’s not for the dead to RIP my brotha. it’s for the living to learn how to genuinely love each other. so they can live together in love. so when they lay their heads down at night. They can REST IN PEACE!!
      Shalom & love

  3. The most revelatory message on prayer I have eve heard!!! I need to keep hearing this message over and over again to really digest everything!!!

  4. The turth never get old. I learn every time I listen to the Holy Spirit speak though this man’s body. Speak Holy Spirit!. Thank you Doctor MM good.

  5. I’ve never heard about dr. Munroe after he past away and recently been watching his sermons, what a revelation! I’ve learned so much, always been asking myself; why am I here??? what is my purpose for life? now I know and I know how to operate bless God and bless dr. Munroe’s ministry and his family what a legacy. After he past away many are still blessed by his teachings incredible! Praise God! He also said: don’t die old, die empty…that is my purpose too, do what God had called me to do and finish te job……and then I’ll be illegal here 😉

  6. 2019 here….. listening to this teaching for the first time. WOW WOW WOW!!! 🤯🤯🤯 My prayer life is not the same again. Take back dominion that God has given us so he can legally move and interfere on earth. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

  7. Prayer is license for God to intervene here on Earth..MY GOD!
    I and my prayer life shall never be the same! Let take back what was illegally stolen!


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