In the trailers for the Black Adam movie, Black Adam is called the savior of the world and has Christlike characteristics.


  1. Since I've become a born again Christian I stopped watching those kind of movies. Any movie that has dark themes and violence and killings and all sorts of ugly things portraying I don't support it. I don't allow my children to watch such things either…Greg you're doing a wonderful job my brother. Thanks for all your videos. It has helped me to change immensely over the years as well.

  2. Lighting is not a symbol of satan the cesspool of creation,he gets goosebumps when he sees Lighting coz it reminds him of how fast he was thrown out of Heaven like Lighting NOT as Lighting.

  3. There are other secular films that the film industry does to lead people to the occult:

    Dungeons and Dragons
    Harry Potter
    Carrie White
    Jason Voorhies
    Freddy Krueger
    Stranger Things
    Little Nikki
    Childhood End

  4. You're not reading this by accident this is confirmation that everything is going to be alright at this moment GOD is fighting your battles and arranging things in your life, He is making a way for you where seems no way in Jesus Matchless Name.Amen♥️

  5. I think 100% thought movies like Black Adam is a counterfeit of the gospel and does nothing but just confuses people to the true nature and character of Christ jesus. They confused people of what the Bible describes as being a hero. And yes heroes in the Bible like King David and Gideon and Samson and Joshua all took up arms to take people lives ,but the people whose lives they took were completely evil and wicked and unwilling to change from their Wicked Ways. And in the same way when Christ Jesus finally returns he will to take up arms as well as all his army of Holy Angels to finally destroy Satan and all his demonic demon followers and all those evil Wicked people on planet Earth that are living at that time whose hearts are unwilling to change and have not come to repentance and are too living in sin and rage.

  6. I don't care about satanic movies as well especially when they go against the divinity of The true Black Messiah not The worlds white savior. This is how you know that man is truly not studied in scripture. You love your whiteness cause you hate truth especially if the original man whom we all come through was actually black meaning of ruddy red swarthy skin tone. Yet you children of Japheth make images of yourself and lie on the real images or complexion in scripture. Did you know that scripture speaks to your shame by saying God was going to make Israel who are Negro people jealous with a foolish nation of people meaning a stupid people. Those who couldn't truly comprehend matters. I love the fact God is chosing Gentiles from among His creation to be adopted into the good olive tree with His people but i hate when people don't truly study His Word and understand. Who told you Gentiles to make any image or graven image of Him( Jesus Christ)? Who told you really? Was it Satan? What does scripture say about this making images and graven images? See how disobedient you Gentiles are when it comes to Gods word. Y'all love pointing out sin when it deals with Hollywood but yet never pointing out your own desires of flesh being in iniquity as well. Shows you're arrogance and what you think in your mind about your supposed superiority over the original man. Your seminary schools that you've made for yourselves have only to deceive you when it comes to true scholarship of scriptures. It also shows how truly man is hateful to of other complexion when truth is told in scripture that the true father of civilization was indeed black taking from dark soil. God even showed it in scripture that the land of Eden was in Ethiopia. So it clearly shows a dark soil. You Gentiles make all the original characters the images of yourself and you boast so proudly of it. Knowing this is truly lies you still don't examine to see the true complexion of these biblical people spoke of. Jesus Christ is the second Adam and is the same complexion as the first Adam made of earth ruddy swarthy red dusky dark soil. So even when water is given it it becomes even darker. You should know this considering that you plant crops in earth being dark soil. Answer this then, when have ever in life have two white skinned European Caucasian people ever make dark skinned babies? Then understand why your Adam and Eve paintings aren't even possibly true. But we know without a shadow of a doubt two Negro people can give life to a white skinned infant. It's even Proven with the first Albino child being Noah on Enoch. So repent of your lies Gentiles and stop being disobedient to God making graven images and paintings of Him. That's sin and an abomination at that. Repent!!

  7. Thank you for always exposing evil !!!Hollywood is making sure it deceives the world by mixing truth with evil and people who don’t know the truth think this is real cool because they use actors that are real cool and famous which people love to follow this is how they deceive people they throw smoke in their eyes to blind them

  8. Ultimately , from what I heard the movie isn't that great. Satan means adversary or accuser. However the movie Probably is Antichristian. DC has produced this DCEU through Atlas Productions which is the same people who produced Atlas Shrugs , one of the most Antichristian books out there. I don't know if the market for Black Adam will be a huge one. DC is currently overhauling their entire product as it pertains to movies. If it is Satanic , I think it will have little effect on society as a whole , and probably less effect on true Christians. Shazam , Black Adam , and The Flash ( all have lightening on their uniforms) are the only 3 that are still going to come out. They may not be the Antichrists that will end the world, but they are the Antichrists that will end the DCEU. Aquaman 2 will also come out I think , but the Flash will likely be the end of these current DCEU projects. I haven't been a fan of DC movies since The Dark Knight.

  9. Hollywood alone has always twisted the scriptures, Jesus Christ holds the destiny of everything in heaven and hell, the lighting bolt was promoted by Nazi population, 😵

  10. Well this is some far reaching bullshit. Want to find the antichrists? Look to the false prophets or "Prosperity Preachers" and those idolizing the ultra wealthy. Praising those who demonstrate the love of money while demonizing stories shows that some are following a Shepard that convinces others that evil is good, to hate thy neighbor, that greed is a virtue while stretching far to cast stones at a scapegoat.

  11. Look I still watching this movie ,i know right from wrong. I know whom is jesus and whom is satan. This is fictional and also comic illustration movie on how he got his powers and turned evil. People we shouldn't compare movies or illustrations with Jesus lets keep our heads on and don't be fooled . Ask yourselves this ? Can the rock feed thousands of people,healed the sick and raise the dead.

  12. Um, I'm not entirely familiar with the source material but isn't Black Adam SUPPOSED to be a villain, archnemesis to Shaazam?

    So if there's a dark aura to Shaazam, uh, yeah, that's the point?

    The bible also has "heroes" like Samson. And David. And Aaron. And Moses.

    The bible is actually mostly about regular men who are quite falliable.

    No. This is a false flag. Black Adam isn't a stand alone IP, he exists as part of the DC continuity, and considering how DC treats YHWH aka the Presence aka the God of the Convanent, I'm pretty certain this isn't an attempt to corrupt men's souls against the revelation of Christ.

    Also, since when was lighting seen as a symbol as Satan? Most people associate Satan with fire and/or conceited light. When people think lightning they think of Zues or old bearded YHWH smiting a foolish mortal or something. Not Lucifer.

    One shouldn't accuse lightly my friend. Judge not lest ye be judged.

    Respectfully my brother in Christ, thank you for sharing your thoughts all the same.

  13. 😞….. To tell you the truth this really is no surprise. At least not with me. Hollywood has done this for MANY years. Subliminal advertising is what they are all about and most people go to the movies for the entertainment and don't pay attention to what's really there. The message they are sending. I am a fan of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and quite disappointed he's playing this character. Like you, I will not support this movie. That is a fact. TFS this Greg.
    One more thing…. The snake caught me off guard. 😄 That scared me. Anyway thanks again. 👍🏼❤️

  14. This movie MOCKS Christianity in a lot of ways and is mostly Occult themed. This is certainly NOT a movie we as followers of the Lord, Jesus Christ ought to watch. In addition to that, parents really need to shield their kids from movies like these. (Satan has inspired this film) The writers of this movie obviously has a knowledge of the Occult and like many other so called "PG" movies released by both Hollywood and Disney in recent years, they're full of Occult themes. Both Hollywood and Disney are run by the Jesuit Order and often include Dark Storylines in just about all of the movies they'll release. Happy Sabbath and God bless.

  15. Agreed but this is nothing new. The DCEU has been attacking the image of Christ with Superman in Man of Steel, Batman v Superman and Justice League. Warner Bros has been doing it even longer since Superman Returns (2006). I didn’t want to believe this but it was confirmed when Warner Bros stated that on Supermans death in Batman V Superman, they were waiting 3 movies to resurrect him. 3 movies or 3 days. It’s not even subtle attacks. Christians who plan to watch films like this, beware.

  16. Satan does work through mainstream movies and TV shows to slander God, and to make himself look all big and badass.. he also works through these actors and celebrities that play the part in the movies/TV shows, The Devil owns Hollywood, he completely runs and controls it, not everyone really realizes just how much power Lucifer has in this world

  17. satan is happy when people think it's ok to watch evil and that they are strong enough to resist it. when you walk on satans ground you open yourself to his influence and being possessed by him and his demons. watching this movie and others like it only takes you away from Gods influence filling you with satans. this movie is an example of what not to watch but the more innocent the movie appears the more dangerous it is and the deeper satan can affect you and work through you to influence others for evil. we are at war and playing on satans ground won't give you anything that will help you but hurt you and make it harder to hear Jesus because satan will bring this stuff up in your head when you want to pray. stay away from the appearance of evil. they should be enough to keep this movie and all others out of your head. don't let evil into your eyes and ears. don't choose to listen to evil its not choosing God

  18. First of all you shall be watching movies of Hollywood and base you preaching according to what you see in Hollywood you supposed to be having intimate time with Christ, then Christ will tell you what to put and talk about in YouTube. Ask yourself this question what are you motivations to be in YouTube to get a lot of subscribers, to get a lot of likes so you can have a check; you have made the word of God like (when Jesus came down into the temple and he got mad because the people had made the temple like a business, saling merchandise) when you spend time with Jesus Christ, he'll let you know what to preach in YouTube not Hollywood. Have a blessed Shabbat


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