Lauren was the daughter of alcoholics and struggled with depression all her life, until a coworker shared the gospel with her.


  1. Thank you so much for this testimony…. I knew that I was to click on it as I was scrolling through something else. I'm 52 now and I'm a Christian but I was Believing the same lies that you were. Trying desperately to fix other people to find self worth and and fix my own childhood hurts. What an amazing breakthrough I've had from this beautiful little short testimony.

  2. Anyone who was abused by a narcissist, is a true child of God. I put up with horrific narcissistic abuse for 51 years, then Jesus came and grabbed me out of the wicked world. He’s real! Hallelujah!

  3. Great testimony. I struggle to see myself thru God’s eyes. I want to see myself as his beloved, a daughter of the king, chosen and redeemed and cleansed by the blood of Jesus

  4. I am happy for you lauren! You found your unconditional love which is in Christ and now you have a loving husband and expecting baby and you parent came to Christ too. Wondeful and beautiful life lauren. Blessings for you💕

  5. People in Ukraine feel very bitter about God right now!!
    Why has God abandoned them?
    They deserved to suffer?
    How can God watch people being tortured, raped and murdered and do nothing? Our Almighty God!


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