This Video Is Done Only For Educational Purposes And To Reveal Sensitive Information To The Christian Society, And Words …


  1. Why does anyone even ever think that another man is Able enough to teach a man's Spirit???……your spirit can only be instructed by God.
    Love is Great truly and sees no problem with anyone or anything. Only God gets offended, Love never.

  2. To anyone who may come across my comment

    Pastor Chris is my father in the Lord, that video on masturbation was from 2012. In the year 2013, 14,15 or 16 if I am not mistaken he held singles conferences where he taught on sex, wet dreams, masturbation, fornication etc. He said masturbation is wrong and unclean and it is a product of lasciviousness. When initially he said it's not a sin against God he meant that it is a sin against your own body (1 Corinthians 6:18).
    Listen from minutes 37:00 to the end you will hear him saying it is wrong.
    I had to put this comment out here in public because I know the full truth on the matter and can't just watch people looking at my father, Pastor Chris, in a bad way.
    God bless you❤️

  3. Pastor Chris actually didn't say anything wrong . He show us what causes masturbation and the wrong behind it.

    He said your sin for masturbate is the sin of lust not actually the rubbing of your private part. He made it clear.

    We just don't understand Pastor Chris statement. Get the other video that he talked about that not this one alone.

  4. Even the world knows masturbating is wrong for men.

    Once you overcome masturbating, you begin to control lust to overcoming lust.

    I've cast out demons that confessed they make the person masturbate.

    I'm disappointed because I highly respect Pastor Chris.

  5. Sin is transgression of the law.. when you covert and act upon's a sin… It's only that our modern day rich pastors wants to sound okay and eight to everyone. They are misleading many.

  6. This guy is doing this for money. You are behaving like the sons of Belial. Why do u want to bring disunity to the body of Christ.Stop this and preach the gospel and stop this thing u are doing. God is watching you

  7. I pray for you sir that God will help you to fulfill your ministry either on Facebook, UTube or anywhere you go in Jesus mighty name. May your works please God and give him the Glory.


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