BREAK UP NIGERIA TO SAVE LIVES: Pastor Adeboye Has Joined Us – Says Nigeria Is Near Finished, Bankrupted By APC …


  1. Anything that appears good in Nigeria today regretably happens by accident. It was never meant to be. In fact they will be tirelessly working round the clock to undo such. In fact reversing the good deed will cost more than the original amount. Either way, money is made by the plunderers.

  2. Daddy GO is just making a case for his political party. He will soon be telling his members to vote for his party, so they can bring change to Nigeria. I am truly disappointed with Daddy GO.

  3. The tragedy of this contraption called nigeria is like a double edged sword. Our leaders/influencers are our greatest undoing. On d other side, an average Nigerian is not a progressive. Any opportunity given to an average Nigerian to excel is an opportunity to kill d business. Many businesses are closing down cos the employees engaged to grow d business as well as themselves jave only one agenda "themselves only". I keep looking for hope for this country

  4. I'm with you 100% Maiyegun . I don't pray for God to bless a united Nigeria . I think it's a sin to pray like that . People who pray to be free from Nigeria are the righteous ones . They are life savers .


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