When inventor/designer Tom Cartwright and his wife Anna lost everything, they started tithing. They believe this is what has pulled …


  1. When our Church was still following parts of the Old Covenant, we also tithed and yes, we managed and kept the Sabbath on the 7th Day, ate clean meats and fish, held the the Israelite Feast Days, and so on and so forth… The only things we did not do, was circumcise (Thus keeping many of the laws in vain, as that was the biblical sign of the old covenant!) we also did not do the washings and obviously not the animal offers, as we also believed in the ultimate offer, that of Jesus Christ. Still we did not understand that we fullfilled the whole law by believing the Gospel about that offer! So no Sabbath, tithing, clean food, Old Covenant holy Days, just those mentioned for the followers of Christ are needed. Still you read that instead of tithing, the true Christian should be “good”, generous to those in need, not greedy or penny pinchy. Remember the old widow with her only coin she had for the temple, that Jesus pointed out? Give what you can and the Lord will replenish it to your needs!

  2. I was just talking to my husband about tithing and giving…we are a living testimony of tithing and giving. We see God do wonders for our family everyday.
    He says in His Word that He will never leave us nor forsake us. We see that everyday with our family 💕🙌

  3. Tithers go broke all the time. Honest Christians admit this. God never commanded Christians to tithe, and even Jews were only required to tithe while there was a temple. Furthermore, the law of tithing is complicated, and giving 10% to a church is not even close to what it requires.

    Preachers tell us we're under the law, and then they tell us to tithe! God made me wealthy when I quit giving prosperity ministries money.

    Give to people in need. That's what Jesus DID tell us to do. You will receive the blessings of Psalm 41.


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