Harold’s 6-year-old daughter was killed in a hit and run accident. He chose to forgive the killer, he now teaches others about the …


  1. We serve a good God. If Jesus can forgive us, who are we not to forgive, even though it is not easy to do it, but it sets us free. That's why i am asking God to give us courage to forgive in case we are in the situation which needs forgiveness. Thank you Man of God for presenting the love of Jesus in what you did.

  2. Lord 🙏 we thank you for ur love you have for us… brother thank u for showing us a good example…. May the Lord bless you with another child. And may the Lord comfort you and ur family

  3. Easier said than done my mother destroyed me abused me caysed me to meet another man who abused me and he taught my kids to hate me how do I forget that

  4. God bless you, an like you said the forgiveness is for you. If you never forgave it woulda been like drinking poison and expecting them to feel the effects. 🙏

  5. This so amazing and God blessed him for forgiving that boy. Our God is such an amazing God to forgive someone who took his child's life. Love can melt a heart of stone and that's why God says fight with love

  6. Awesome testimony.

    The sole purpose of this life is to love God and love your neighbor as yourself.

    True, if we love God and love our neighbors as ourselves we will obey His commandments.

    Thankfully we aren't saved by loving God but rather because He first loved us and gave Himself for us.

    Jesus is Lord God Almighty clothed in unsinful humanity and He is the author of eternal life to all who trust Him alone for salvation.

    He paid for all the sins of all the world at the cross ( past, present, and future). That payment is put to your account when you have believed on Christ alone for salvation.

    When you have believed on Christ alone for salvation then you have repented unto life.

    Salvation is absolutely free recieved solely by trusting in the person and finished work of Christ alone, and is certainly not conditional upon service to God.

    Service (discipleship) if you choose it can cost you everything if you go all out in serving God.

    Our good works, repenting of sins, and obedience, are solely for rewards in Heaven or a lack thereof and have absolutely nothing to do with salvation at all.

    The only reason anyone will ever be in Heaven is solely by the perfect life, shed blood, death, burial, and resurrection, of Jesus Christ alone.

    Anything added or subtracted from this is another gospel.

  7. Just like Jesus. Obedient to God under the worst circumstances. What a wonderful example for us all. ‘If you don’t forgive, neither will my Father in heaven forgive you.’

  8. What a great example. Every time I thought I had forgiven all, memories and triggers come back. I have a Bible study on Forgiveness. It is time to start.
    What a beautiful man and a new story for his life! Praise The Lord.


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