As a teen, Colt was taught the theory of evolution and began questioning the faith of his parents. He saw faith in Jesus as “just a …


  1. Ray is a legend in my book i have lurned so so much from him !
    You really need to know your Bible to debate with him…
    He has done a lot for me and i also try and share the Gospel as good as him he is a true insperation in the Christian life !
    Thanks Ray and thanks for this video!

  2. What the US really needs is less religion and more mind, especially after the Trump era, and certainly not more brain-damaging bible nonsense for a mentally instable nation that is organizing school schootings on a weekly basis.

  3. Indoctrination or brain washing a child into religion this way is quite disgusting, for a 7 year old to have the idea they're sinners can be very distressing to a child, even dangerous.

  4. That was my problem too…. i was becomimg to atheist… but i started to pray to God… God please show yourself to me… do it so i know you does exist.. next morning i was driving to grandma with my family and i felt and i knew GOD DOES EXIST, i dont now how…. i started praying again… God please give me proofs… and i founded living waters :D…. atheism delusion…. God vs. Evolution… i got proofs …. so i decided all is about praying and following Jesus Christ in the Bible… that is why are we there… we shoud find truth hallelujah!

  5. he's as old as me and wow i really need to learn from this. im too shy to talk to people about my faith. i only say im a christian. so i recently started making gospel tracts inpired by living waters (i want to buy them but i need to get a sidejob first :,)) and ive been leaving them on tables and stuff whenever i go out basically and yeah idk i still have a lot to learn and still need to spend time with God more

  6. Get right with God friends, many end times prophecies of thousands of years ago are playing out as we speak! Accept the free gift of salvation, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, Romans 10:9-10, repent of your sins, and you will be saved! 🎺

  7. This young man is wise beyond his years. It is beautiful to see how his heart is fixed on serving the Lord. His peers may think that he's missing out on the good things in life, but he has found true treasure.
    He is also avoiding many consequences that come from indulging a sinful heart.


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