Link to sermon online below. Rich, rich, rich – the only way I can think of to describe this wonderful sermon by Dr. John G. Lake.


  1. Miriam – great and timely lesson 4 me! I have a tendency to direct my family members on what they should do, "out of love"…
    God has been speaking to me recently and calling me to lay it off, for He got it covered!
    God have mercy on us all!

  2. Wonders of GOD, the ALMIGHTY, will never cease!!!
    FATHER LORD, we thank YOU immensely, for FEW unmatchable teachers we have in this generation!!!
    Dr.. John G Lake was a true vessel of GOD; he didn't permit Satan to chain the WORD, confirming the OMINIPOTENT attribute of GOD!!!
    Just came in contact with his and Pastor Derek Prince teachings, quite amazing!
    ANCHOR still holds, and there is HOPE!!!


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