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  1. Lord God thank you that you are moving in us help us Father to be closer to you and give us revelation into your secret place let us walk by the spirit Thank you so much God In Jesus Name Amen

  2. I would like to take this time to tell you thank you watching your videos the secret place videos has helped and God has softened my heart and I've had a breakthrough in my walk with him and my relationship with him. thank you very much.

  3. 🔥 It's embarassing. They did not understand that the HOLY SPIRIT is THE FATHER IN A SPIRIT FORM, that is, NO THIRD divine person exists.

    Jesus states "(1) God is (2) a spirit". Well, Jesus simply calls Him sometimes (1) "Father", sometimes (2) "Spirit" (Holy) depending on the situation, but in both cases He refers to the SAME ONE GOD, not to TWO different Divine Persons!

    EVIDENCE of that can be obtained by checking out who is INSIDE JESUS:

    ONLY THE FATHER is inside Jesus to HELP him, "I am in the Father and the FATHER IN ME". Neither A. a "LORD in dove-form who gives life" (a nonexisting Lord) nor B. a PARACLETE in dove-form is with Jesus. (The Paraclete who has nothing to do with birds will only be sent after Jesus' death). "I am not ALONE because the Father is with me", i.e. THE ONLY ONE with Jesus is the FATHER. Thus, you are now able to IDENTIFY who is the HOLY SPIRIT INSIDE JESUS: He is the FATHER!

    – this means that the Holy Spirit accountable for Mary's pregnancy WAS THE FATHER " The Holy Spirit shall come upon thee, and the POWER OF THE HIGHEST shall overshadow thee "

    – this means that when Jesus was baptized the HOLY SPIRIT SAID "Thou art my beloved Son."

    – this means that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit means: blasphemy against the Father….

    The Paraclete is NOT the Holy Spirit. Jn. 14:26 has been simply tampered with by a trinitarian supporter who "was short of Gods" (not happy with the nonexisting "Lord who gives life") and decided to "upgrade" the unknown Paraclete, to make him a "dove-God". "On that day YOU will know that I am in my FATHER, YOU are in ME, and I am in YOU.", i.e. you can see that NO PARACLETE IN DOVE FORM is there, just the FATHER and the SON ! NO PARACLETE IN DOVE FORM sits in heaven next to Jesus either.


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