Prophet Kobus teaches on “How to Heal the Sick in Jesus Name!!!” A special thank you to everyone who continues to support us …


  1. Thank you for sharing sermons of prophet kobus Van Reisburg you have fulfilled Gods word in Romans 10:14 -15 ,How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?. i have learnt a lot from the servant of God.

  2. I'm sure that some Christians have the gift of healing, like also others do speak in tongues or are able to translate that, or the gift of prophesy and other gifts. I'm not certain all these gifts are given to all by the Holy Spirit blessed people (Christians). Anyway pray for the healing of my lower back which aches for years, as I believe in the power of prayer.

  3. Wonderful teaching in building faith! HalleluYah! If I may, I recall a day I layed my hand on a fairly new Christian who'd left witchcraft.

    But later, Holy Spirit corrected me with the verse saying, "Do not be quick to lay hands on anyone"….so as to not partake of their sins.

    So may I ask if perhaps we pray before laying on hands? Thank you kindly. 🙌

  4. I am a former alcoholic, then a substance abuser. I gave up all of it 2 yrs ago without any medical assistance. So, every now and then my bp fluctuates. A slight rise, miniscule by any account, in my bp, I am given away into agony and torment. The discomfort is utterly unbearable. But I have learned to accept it as a just punishment for my former deeds of destroying my body – the temple of God. Now, all I want to do is help others who are like my former self and those who are sick and needy. I pray for such people everyday. But I never could figure out how to really help them. Pls, anyone who reads this, pray for me that I may find my way.

  5. 1 Peter 1:18-19 👀
    18You were rescued+ from the useless way of life you learned from your ancestors. But you know you were not rescued by such things as silver or gold that don't last forever. 19 You were rescued by the precious blood of Christ, that spotless and innocent lamb

  6. Love and Peace From Brazil Mohsen Said and Family ,This a beautiful teaching. Please pray for me. I am a 68 year old , we have spiritual problem me and my wife and son of 10 years old.

  7. Prophet Kobus was such a blessing to the body of Christ. He was a miracle man who came back from the dead 6 times, may he continue to rest in Eternal Glory in Jesus name.

  8. Thank you jesus for my miracle today in my hands and my arms I believe God. That he can do exactly what he said he can do his word is real. I believe the report of the Lord. . . Jesus is a healer .


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