Prophet Kobus teaches on “Hearing God’s Voice”. ***DISCLAIMER*** Any numbers or information that appear as pop-ups in the …


  1. The words are good…and it’s a good message, thank you for that. Good reminders…

    Just…the statues…are not a good idea…the Bible says “make no images of anything in the heavens, or beneath earth, or of the waters beneath the earth”. Angels are in the heavens, no question about it, and we are not to make images of them. I had them, too, and had to get rid of them when I realized this is one of the 10 Commandments…. I know they make people “feel good”, but the Bible warns against that as well…trust not the heart, for it is wicked and will lead you astray. It leads people astray when they follow what feels right, and not what is actually written…

    God also doesn’t want statues of anyone in His house. It detracts from the focus being on Him. They don’t have to be “worshipped” to be idols. He said not to make the images at all, and making them…even of men or angels who served God faithfully…that’s making them into an idol in a backhanded, even if unintentional, and well-intentioned way. And literally putting them on a pedestal…makes it only more so offensive to Him.

    There are spiritual reasons to not make statues, but if God said not to do it, we don’t even need to know His reasons…

  2. O God, it is always better to follow you than to run from your will. But even if, like Jonah, I am in great trouble due to my wanderings, I know that you will hear the cry of the truly penitent heart. We are all often in need of undeserved deliverance. As hymn writer and author of Rock of Ages Augustus Toplady put it, I am a "debtor to mercy alone."

  3. Hello Sir Your teachings are so sound and i belive . Ive a question why is it im getting attacks for eight years eaten up by snakes ?? After 20yrs of living for God and many promises and visitation but no manifestations YET ? Please pray fir me Thanks

  4. I have a testimony to share, for years I have been suffering from this sickness and the hospital told me stuff but I came across quynhmi782 on Instagram I bought his anointed oil and believed to all gracious I am healed its a miracle a dream you can call it

  5. Great teachings. Just came across them recently.
    Now, I have a question. How would one differentiate " keep them from evil" and "keep them from the evil one"? Do both refer to the same?


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