You are in the “40-day” period where you’re surrounded by animals and shaking with frustration while waiting on a revelation from …


  1. Could you please talk about single men and women? A lot of people feel alone and want to do God's will but yet we have not found our soulmate. We are not all married with kids. Some of us might want that and some might not. I would just love to hear something about that. Thank you .

  2. 10th Tim’s Us…Me and my four beautiful kids and 1 remaining, my biological mom…You gave me her weather she wanted me or not. I’ve learned to Honor and what it truly means, for that I Praise you Always.

  3. My two younger boys, my one and only daughter and my oldest Son that gave me 3 beautiful granddaughters. Yes, the enemy has tried and tried. But I will and have WALKED IT ALLOUT…WE WILL ALL WALKTHIS OUT


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