Our world is getting “better” at connecting us and yet we’re reporting feeling more disconnected than ever. The issue: loneliness.


  1. My best and truest friends, are the ones who will tell me I was in the wrong. Who will say, maybe you should look at this situation from the other side. Or it could have been handles differently. All done in a supportive way of course. And I do the same for them. And we do this for each other because we don't want each other to be stuck, and repeating the same cycles…and then blame other people for them

  2. To all the ones out there still searching for these types of friendship, you can do it! I searched for years ever since I was in elementary, but if you keep searching you'll eventually find people willing to be by your side. Always remember that it's a process we have to experience gradually if we decide to dedicate time into it; even if one of your friendships breaks down, you can always learn from it and see what were your mistakes, or theirs. I can say, taking things this way was what made me realize how to handle friendships in the healthiest way possible. Like I said, if you keep searching, you'll find someone eventually. After all, if you want to find someone with who you can leave your heart open, without fear, who isn't family, who says that, out of other 7 billion people, there isn't someone just like you out there?

  3. I just got discharged from the hospital and the doctor was so surprised of how my blood pressure was down cause they did all test ( brain, Eco, blood test, heart) none was the cause. My daily blood presure keeps going a bit up and down which made him realize that I have anxiety. Hmm I knew that way before but I was ignoring. Went through a toxic and a terrible break up with a narcissist, I don't feel seen by my friends. Even when I mentioned the idea of going to the hospital none was supportive and cared. Generally they are good friend, but I need friends who will be by my side in dark days and bad days. Unfortunately I never got a visit to the hospital which is so sad. We don't when we're comfortable. We change when we feel genuine pain.

  4. There is no thumbs up or "like" tab in real life which is what you were looking for.
    Treat people as people not social media.
    So get off social media Facebook etc and you will create new friends. Real ones.

  5. Let me end your personal suffering with reality. All ideas in the Earth Home are manmade and illusions which present themselves in the form of "some kind of difference." Human Beings are supposedly vastly different from each other which stems from childhood, school cliques and the manmade idea of a society that humanity created as apart of wanting to be evolved past the cavemen in a hut. Loneliness does not exist. All species here are stuck inside a single space between the ground and the sky on a planet that sits inside a universe to nowhere, there is no such thing as LONELINESS.

  6. Hey Dr. Nelson, I just completed my senior capstone on 'How friendships have changed during the COVID-19 pandemic within college students at University of Portland'. I really found this Ted Talk incredibly useful for it and if you are ever curious about the results of my research study, let me know!

  7. I am old yet I can relate too well to your sharing. …brings back memories. Very nice. Sometimes we also have to let go of some friends. Not that they are bad but because they are not the right people for us at the moment.

  8. To clarify, Both Dr. Rs are great. I didn't notice the spelling or watch. (I suk at Facial recog., too!) On Stage. No waaay! Lol But, YEAH, IT'S ABOUT HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUES!!

  9. This lady clearly has no idea what she’s talking about. Her entire view of friendship is transactional (ie “how can this relationship benefit me?). Word to the wise—before you focus on having better friends, focus on being a better friend.


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