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  1. Alba, I feel so sorry for them. Because I know EXACTLY the place they're in. My mental health was and still is a huge struggle for me…I'm 30. It was hell as a teenager and sometimes it's still a hell now. A lot of it was tied up in my gender identity and how no one liked me and how I didn't like myself. I know what and who I am now, but I still struggle because no one likes me still (friendless for half my life at least now) and I still hate myself. So I connect here with Alba.

  2. I thought being a teen would be more fun and carefree. Instead I’m constantly worrying about college and every little thing I do that affects my future. What the girl said about always worrying about how what we do now will affect us when we are 25 said exactly what I feel all the time.

  3. Seeing that young woman at the front go staight to strongly disagree at 1:54 is heartbreaking. I myself am not confident with the way I look, but she went with no hesitation. She even eyed it down. So sad 😭

  4. it's 2022 now and the screentime thing changed since ykno ykno pandemic and we have to attend online classes, and I have to agree on that "I'm addicted to social media" because even if I don't want to the fear of missing out is a common thing in teenagers. also in other ages ofc.

  5. I’d say I’m the middle when it comes to my appearance, when they asked the question I started to cry but I like my face and my eyes and my legs, my arms and teeth but I have an issue with my eyebrows, my hair taking forever to grow, my stomch not being like the white girls and not being flat biologically

    I want to look like a lot of women in my old high school which is usually seen as having big hoops, skinny jeans and jacket but they all look better then me

  6. 2:44 If I were to answer this question I'd probably disagree. Though I know and feel like stress from our constant responsibilities can have crucial affects on us as teenagers, I think it genuinely depends on how the person's brain works. Each and every one of us handle stress differently. Some can take on more, some can take on less. Because the question says, "For our age," this is what changes my opinion. Our maturity levels are all different so it's hard to make a general statement for everyone.

  7. Im a teen, but for most teens there is not to much stress, they are lazy, as you become an adult the stress is way worse and you will look back and realize how easy school really is.


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