One of Dr. Cerullo’s most beloved, classic messages and illustrations on the true experience of the baptism in the Holy Spirit, …


  1. This message and Revelation is soo Powerful, I can't stop watching it! I keep watching it over and over and over again! Dr Morris Cerullo was ALL IN AND HE WAS CONTROLLED BY YHE HOLY SPIRIT!God Bless Mama Teresa Cerullo!! 🙏🏽❤️🙏🏽❤️🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽😊

  2. This preacher with a fat gut Cerrullo was honored by that demon possessed Kenneth Copeland & loved by all. Jesus said WOE be unto you when all men speak well of you, for so did they of the false prophets. Cerrulo was also connected with the fake charlatan & diviner Benny Hinn and the soon to be severely judged of God Joel Osteen. What does THAT tell you, that the doctrine of devils inspired Copeland loved him ? It definitely tells me something. Also, making a big noise as Cerrulo did is no indication of any anointing.

  3. I use to work for MCWE in the UK and have learned so much from the ministry of Dr Cerrullo. Watching this clip has revived me and am awakened by the spirit and power of God. Thank you Lord for filling me and reviving me with your Holy Spirit as the man of God was preaching

  4. I have been built up by being in this school of ministry. In the beginning, I thought it was all about certification, little did I realize that through this school God rather is being equipped to reach a world.


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