Best Praise and Worship Songs 2022 – Best Christian Gospel Songs Of All Time – Praise & Premiership video: @Latest Christian …


  1. "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." Romans 8:14KJV … Paul tells us here that if we truly want to be the sons of God, the children of God, then we are going to be led by the spirit. So one assurance of our salvation is this: we ask ourselves the question, "Am I trying to kill my own sin because I want to please God?" If the answer to that question is "yes," then you are the child of God. That is evidence that the spirit lives in You because only the spirit in You would want to put an end to the sin in Your life. … Father, I thank You for giving me assurance of my salvation. I ask that You help me to examine my heart to see what my motivations are. I want to kill my own sin because I know that it pleases You. I want to stop any sin in my life because I want You to be glorified and I want to be Your child. Help me to be led by Your spirit so that You may call me Your child. Amen.


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