Jimmy (2013) | Full Movie | Ted Levine | Kelly Carlson | Patrick Fabian | Mark Freiburger | Gary Wheeler The story of a mentally …


  1. Very, good warming Christan movie about the developed challenged boy with the good Christian parents, his close uncle, and his close county sheriff in his wonderful film.—Jimmy's watchers were his angels watching over Jimmy as the special boy with special needs.

  2. All those angles in such a movie. It is non Biblical and that makes it non christian.
    False teachings can so easily sweep believers away with fantastic smooth stories.
    And movies like these pave the way for false teachings and it makes that people do no longer deep Bible study, to be able to know real Truth.

  3. Great movie. Great acting.
    One thing is bugging me, though. Lakes do not drop off at the edge. Dad being shot with his feet on dry land and falling over into water so deep he doesn't reach the bottom for 30 seconds, even though he doesn't try to swim? It even contradicts the previous fishing scene, where grandpa says that's the deepest part of the lake, where it drops off the most, yet grandpa walks in ìt.
    Would have been more realistic if Dad had come out and struggled on the dock and fallen in that way. (Though it would still have only been several feet deep; no deeper than the poles holding up the dock.)

  4. My son suffers autism I miss him he is 36. But he is in care if a organisation called brothers charity who gave Notting but abuse to him but the court made him a ward of court Ireland is collaboration with church and state.

  5. Great movie! People think someone with a disability isn't able to function in the world like a person that doesn't have a mental disability. A person that has diabetes and cancer that is a disability. So, this movie proves that a person with any kind of disability is that all of us are equal people. We are all different, but special and God(Jehovah) uses us all in his own way. Any body who has any kind of disability we are all God's (Jehovah's) people.


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