This is the intriguing story of Mr and Mrs Williams They let off their guard and ended up where they didn’t plan for. . PLEASE …


  1. Thank you sir for this wonderful episode, as a believer we truly need to forgive one and other,we should not allow our flesh to control our spirit man, looking forward to seeing the part 2 God bless you all.

  2. I'm glad I watched this. I was also in support of what Mr Williams was doing to his wife because of the way she said it. But I also learnt a lesson, to be careful with what I say.g God bless all who made this movie possible ❤️

  3. Thank you Uncle Shola for this video. I believe this is a revelation and reality of what is going on in our society. To be specific I had an argument that ended this way and we both said but we didn't mean(at least I did) I went to God in prayer seeking his face. However,I am sharing this because I feel this is a message for me and thank you for letting God guide you to share.

  4. It's Spoken everywhere! Who am I not to come n see, I'm still looking for brother John, he will b in the front seats! That's what he said!!!! What am sure of is Evom never disappoints❤❤❤❤


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