Video games and hip hop music often take the rap for inciting violence in the young, but urban youth specialist and lecturer Craig …



  2. That was a great presentation,Its great that someone actually raises awareness on this subject .Things have been going crazy with youth gangs here in Greece,thank god not in my neighborhood but you should always be careful.There have been approximately maybe more than 1.700 cases that Greek courts face involving teenagers

  3. How is this my problem? I only care for those that are a victim of violence. People need to tell these youths, life is about choices & consequences. People are not honest to the youth anymore, they are babying them and down playing what they do. For example: Someone can murder someone and people will make the youth murderer the victim instead of the suspect that on purposely killed someone. I do not get it.

  4. Youth join gangs because there is no father at home to stop them. They stay in gangs because there are no jobs in the cities. The educational system in many big cities sucks. Lower taxes and regulations and restore the father to minority homes. The family needs to restored and the economy needs to be healthy so young men can have jobs.

  5. "In me is screaming to never trust my dad. Ever again. To never trust anyone. Ever again. I need to do better too. Absent father, everyday you're becoming more and more present in my life. Don't stop trying. Love, The Carcass Left Behind."
    This is a poem about an Absent Father, but it seems it could be a poem about Youth Violence.

  6. My parents taught us to love others. My parents took us to church because they knew, they did not have ALL the answers. God and Allah and Buddha said don't hurt others, for any reason. I worked at a reform school. The kids were violent after years of abuse and neglect. They needed love. Their father left. He went to jail. He was absent. They were angry at him, and their Mum and then everyone. Here in the US there are far too many broken families and their is NO community to make up for it. I have seen one culture not accept another. Many. People from one nation bought four homes next to each other, not one by one next to "others". Could be any ethnicity. Love one another. Men, stop giving up on your kids. And neighbors, be neighbors to everyone. How many of my neighbors ignore the old white guy? Many. I say Hi. Oh Hi they reply. Nice weather eh? Yes. Have a great day! Kids too. Hey kid. how are you?

  7. The maturation of the cultural word requires a hardship similar to the weight of mountains.
    How many educational holes are left without blockages
    By intellectuals and writers on the pretext of their preoccupation with the battlefield of the job and the search for a source of livelihood.
    The dilemmas of education are increasing because the subject of poetry has been abolished, and you know that building, drawing, writing, and every fine craft needs a philosophical vision that comes from poetry first, second and third.
    The construction of fortresses for the new generation must pass through several factors, the most important of which is the establishment of the concepts of respect for parents, teachers, society, the law and the homeland, the bestowal of in-kind and material prizes, and the intensification of security efforts in order to encircle the child’s mind with all available means of protection.
    How can we sail in a clumsy boat?!

    We must return to literary libraries, to targeted cinema, to honest work, to solidarity, cooperation, and brotherhood away from fanaticism, disagreements and differences of all kinds.


  8. How can the scales of human feeling not be disturbed after the mind receives everything that suffers under the indirect metaphysical images?

    When a healthy person turns, for example,

    In a familiar way, it does not occur to caution the mind arises with the intent of warning of the existence of a sudden thing because it does not exist.

    The sudden alert sense of the mind can be changed through the events of bending the road itself and decorated with roses it and with flowers، so that the mind goes in the direction of positive, but the road leads in the end to a lonely, distant and cut place

    This is the game of events that appear in the world of social media and everything that comes to the screens of mobile and smart technology fixed

    It is necessary to monitor children with the intention of blinding the bloody scenes, even if they are not human, because seeing the scenes of human and animal violence is able to change the course of minds in the long run.

    The best friend and collaborator is the book and the educated companion.


  9. When I was a young child in third grade, I looked at my class, and I was disgusted because everybody talked negatively about and wanted nothing to do with one of the students because she watched Dora the Explorer. I made friends with her, and everybody looked down on me and talked negatively about me because I was friends with that person nobody wanted to be friends with. I was also teased by my dad because he thought that I had a crush on this girl. I didn't, and I just wanted to do what was right. This girl also thought that I had a crush on her, and she had a crush on me so I was glad when my stepsister came to live with us because then she could be friends with her, and I didn't have to deal with her making love notes for me anymore. It was sweet of her to do that, but it kind of sketched me out. I have made other friends like this, and I still have some of those friendships today. When I first heard about racism, I was disgusted for the same reason that I was disgusted by my class wanted nothing to do with this girl that I was friends with. I live in Canada, and racism against the indigenous people here is the biggest problem we have with racism, and I will dedicate my life to stop it because it's not right, and it very much disgusts me.

  10. Needed this- tired of crying and more tired of feeling helpless. I can't make sense of this and I can't ignore this.

    Someone just got stabbed here. He was young, a footballer-, was playing football in the UK- his whole life ahead of him- GONE. A week before Christmas.

    A month or so earlier- two young men got shot and killed. One was 27, the other was celebrating his 22nd Birthday.

    I feel for the victims family and also the people that are killers and their family.

    This is a generation that is getting killed or incarcerated. It is soul destroying to witness.

    Thank you for this.


  11. The only thing I want to know is how to get a person that acts like they didn't set you up for a violent crime then tries to act like they are trying to help me. I hate two faced women, but one thing I can't stand is a two faced man. Practically unheard of in my circle except for one person. I wish this person can sit down with someone and let them talk to him about accepting responsibility for their actions and moving on because aint no forgiveness here.

  12. Sorry but it’s not that complicated. It’s all about culture and having parents that have values and they teach their children to dress properly and speak properly and behave a certain way and be responsible and do their schoolwork. They know where their kids are and who they’re hanging out with and they guide them with lessons of right and wrong and responsibility and culture and class. They teach them how to respect their neighbors their elders their women. It’s culture.


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